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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Hit my head on the ground pretty hard

I was skateboarding without a helmet and hit the back of my head on the ground. Everything went black for a second, but I don't think I lost consciousness. A couple ran over to help and I laid on the ground for a while to make sure I wasn't seriously injured. After a couple minutes, I got up and went on with my day. This happened yesterday and I slept through the night. Now it hurts to move my neck. I think I also have whiplash?
  • 19 years old
  • Complaint duration: 1 day
  • Medications: Some Advil/Tylenol
  • Conditions: N/A

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12 UpVoted this answer
be aware of concussion injuries and seek medical attention right away. your vision may be affected.
Thomas Kollars
6 UpVoted this answer
First, the obvious, ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET. Second, always with head injuries be sure to be aware of subtle sensory changes, i.e. numbness, tingling, blurred vision, hearing issues, short or long term memory issues, balance issues, nausea and vomiting. Now to your neck, with the fall you have described, most likely you have sustained sprain / strain injury to your neck and its supporting muscles, ligaments and tendons. Its not to late to ice the area. Following any injury you are best to ice the area for at least 72 hours. I strongly suggest you see a chiropractor, x-rays may be warranted. Good luck
Shahrokh Shahverdi
1 UpVoted this answer
I'll address the whiplash in a moment...

As a board certified Chiropractic Neurologist and Functional Neurologist I urge you to not be too casual about this. Closed head injuries can be quite stealthy with signs and symptoms that may follow. Ideally you would have had a knot on your head. You want the swelling to move outward. If you didn't then I would see a neurological speciaist and he/she would likely order you an MRI promptly.

It sounds like you suffered an impact sufficient to cause a concussion. In which case you need to take it very easy for at least 10 days. Stay away from any jarring movements, watching TV, limited computer use, and if bright lights and loud sounds are more irritating than usual then use those as barometers for your speed of recovery. When they are less irritating your neurons are beginning to normalize.

Whiplash, you absolutely had a whiplash injury. Your neck will likely progress in it's pain up to 72 hours after the accident. On both accounts I recommend you see a chiropractic neurologist or both a neurologist and a chiropractor.
1 UpVoted this answer
You had a concussion as well as a cervical sprain. If you neck pain doesn't it go away or the pain radiates down your arms, I would seek immediate medical attention. Also if you develop headache,nausea ,vertigo,or blurred vision, seek immediate medical care for a concussion. Remember to wear your helmet
Steven M. Stoller
1 UpVoted this answer
My advice is to get an appointment with your Doctor for a neurological examination to rule out any serious complications. This type of injury should be evaluated properly, since a brain injury may not be evident immediately. Another reason for an examination, is to make sure the injury to your neck does not develop into a long term problem for the rest of your life. Hopefully every thing will turn out ok, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Yes it sounds like you do have whiplash. A chiropractor can check to see if you have a concussion but more importantly, chiropractors are the recognized authorities on treating whiplash so that you get better as fast as possible with no long term complications. Muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory medication and a neck brace will almost guarantee a slow and ineffective recovery. While you are waiting for your chiropractic appointment ice your neck for 20 minutes at a time and do not use a hot pack or heating pad.
You definitely need to be checked out for a concussion. It is also likely your neck sustained an excessive amount of force through it either from whiplash or compression. I would NOT get any sort of adjustments or manipulations done to your neck until the vertebral artery has been screened, the transverse and alar are ligaments have been tested. You also need to have your cranial nerves and balence tested.

Sorry to hear about your incident...certainly it doesn't sound like it was fun. Of course, a helmet is a great idea for activities that may result in accidents like this. It's not always cool or convenient, but it's worth the we all probably know.

"Blacking out" even for an instant can be considered a concussive event. So you probably suffered a concussion. It is always best to seek medical advice after an event like this regardless of how it feels. Certainly you should be monitored for a few days afterwards for signs and symptoms of head trauma, which include things as others have mentioned in their posts.

The neck was no doubt the recipient of some impact, very whiplash-like. Muscles will tense to protect the head but are then overwhelmed by the impact and cause a strain. Should the impact be enough and the muscles challenged enough, the joints will also suffer from the impact causing a sprain. This will cause the pain you are feeling when moving your neck. There are multiple things that will help the pain go away, even time alone may help, however the issue is how well it heals after this incident.

Accidents and even day-to-day use can build up over time in the body and cause dysfunction that can be imperceptible at first while later resurfacing as a more significant problem. Do go get checked by a chiropractor to not only get feeling better, moving better, but to also ensure optimal healing.

Surely you'll mis-ollie in the future and have some other fun incident so keeping up with your health and function now will preserve as much of your original function as possible for later in life. It's always good to think long-term!
Concussions are very serious. You should always be evaluated by a physician preferably a neurologist.
Sleeping for a prolonged period can be the sign of a concussion, which is essentially a bruised brain. Worse, you could have a minor bleed on the brain. Best to go to the ER and get evaluated, just in case. As far as the neck goes, it is very possible you do have whiplash. This can happen just taking a slip down the stairs. A good chiropractor will be able to give you a better idea about this problem and treat you accordingly.