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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


I had a tonsillectomy 4 days ago, and after I had some rice this morning, my throat looked like this. Is it rice stuck in the holes or is it infected? Any advice would be great too. Thanks!!

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1 UpVoted this answer
That does not look like rice to me, but it could be exactly what they all look like 4 days after, see your ENT.
1 UpVoted this answer Richard P.  Dolenuck, DDS Dentist, Virginia Beach
I am not an ENT guy but, why would you eat rice after a tonsillectomy??? Maybe gargle with hydrogen peroxide and water, 50:50 to help clean that mess up and see your surgeon, s(he) might need to use a cotton tip applicator to remove the sticky rice.
1 UpVoted this answer Dr. Ada Gruita, DDS Dentist, Mission Viejo
This is the normal healing process after a tonsillectomy. It never looks good at this post op day. Give it some time and keeping drinking lots of fluid.
1 UpVoted this answer Alireza Panahpour, DDS Dentist, Santa Monica
It seems a little of both. Go back to your doctor and let him look at it. You may want to rinse out a few times and see if the rice comes out.
1 UpVoted this answer Alireza Panahpour, DDS Dentist, Santa Monica
This is how oral soft tissue look like during healing it is just recently only 4 days , but still you can check with your surgeon to be more comfortable
Randa Nasr
That looks like the your mouth's idea of a wet scab and normal healing. If your pain is not increasing, you don't have a fever or increasing swelling in the area you are probably fine. Please contact your surgeon and follow up however. In the meantime your best way stay out of trouble is to be a good patient, follow you post op instructions to the letter and resist the urge to rush your healing. Take care.
Normal oral tissue healing looks different than lets say on your arm from a cut. This does look normal. You should stay away from rice and stick to a strictly soft tissue diet. Warm salt water rinses two to three times daily with help heal this area. Drinking a lot of water with increase the rate of healing throughout the body. Soft foods only.
Please visit your primary physician that completed the procedure.
Soft cold foods yogurt applesauce, take antibiotics, appears normal but consult with your surgeon. It does not look like rice
Daniel G. Sena
That looks like a fibrin clot, which is how the wet surfaces in your mouth form what is similar to a scab to protect the surgical wound while healing. Try not to mess with the healing process.
Terry Pratt