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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

chest pain

Girlfriend has been feeling chest pain since yesterday and it hurts the most below the throat
  • 27 years old
  • Medications: No
  • Conditions: No

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1 UpVoted this answer
She should go to a cardiologist ASAP

If the finding shows no heart problems, then have the dr prescribe a MRI of her C and upper T spine

Then they will know the cause and treat it
Don Ha
1 UpVoted this answer
it could be a simple situation like acid reflux but it could always be something else. There really is no way of telling like this.
1 UpVoted this answer
even though your girlfriend is only 25 . Any chest pain must be taken seriously as it could be related to the heart such as a viral or bacterial infection. Seek medical attention and make sure its not serious.
1 UpVoted this answer
There are many possible causes and additional questions I'd ask. Certainly any chest pain warrants a brisk visit to evaluate for possible causes.
Sumeet K. Goel
Chest pain can be a result of a ulcer, tear of the esophagus, or acid reflux, cardiac reasons (palpitations, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse), musculoskeletal (rib pain, muscle spasm), clots in the lung (pulmonary embolism) and panic attacks. Acid reflux can be caused by weight gain, eating close to bedtime and for some people certain types of food. I have also had younger patients with gall bladder inflammation that have presented with chest pain as well. Initial workup should include a good history and physical, based on that further testing may include any combination of the following: labs, ekg, imaging studies of chest, ultrasound of right upper quadrant and possible endoscopy. Hope this helps.
More information is necessary:

Onset: When did it start, under what circumstances?

Palliates/Provokes: What makes it better/what makes it worse? Position, medication, activity, etc.

Quality: burning, stabbing, sharp, dull, constant, intermittent

Radiation: does the pain "go" anywhere - does it start beneath the sternum and travel to the jaw or arm?

Severity: How bad is it on scale of 1 - 10?

A cardiologist is unnecessary as a first step. Seeing a primary care physician would likely result in the best and most inclusive work-up and treatment. An MRI is also NOT the answer. Cardiologists - or any physician for that matter - rarely begin their work-up by ordering tests or expensive imaging. They start with a thorough history and physical examination.

Have your girlfriend schedule an appointment with a primary care physician as soon as possible. If symptoms are severe, have her go to Urgent Care or the ER. All the best.
Impossible to answer this question based on given presentation. It could be number of things, like muscular, gastroesophageal reflux, anxiety, could be something more serious. You need to see you PMD to differentiate.
Thanks! Shes seen a doctor and gotten a EKG and that turned out ok, she was told to come back if it persist for more than two days.
Chest pains in a young person is unusual. She should be seen by a doctor for a minimum of an EKG and chest xray either at an Urgent Care clinic, doctor's office or even an ER

One possibility could be a small pneumothorax
I would agree... be seen by your PCP or Cardiologist. You are in a good age category that makes some possibilities less likely, but you cannot rule anything out until tests are performed. Good Luck & Healthy Living!