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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Essential Oils

what do you think of essential oil therapy?
  • Female | 56 years old
  • Medications: levothyroxin,Celebrex
  • Conditions: hypothyroidism,severe osteoarthritis

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Essential oils are a synergy of plant-based medicine and vibrational medicine. Used correctly, they can be very therapeutic. And many can give great pleasure to the senses. Essential oils can be used instead of any artificial fragrances, which are toxic and must be processed through the liver. I use essential oils in water to clean the bathroom and freshen the air.
Not much evidence behind their use but fairly low potential for harm (so long as it's not Poison Ivy oil - which isn't "essential" as far as I know). Skin reactions can occur. What do you think of essential oil therapy? Do you believe it works for you?
They are very good for skin as well as relaxation. Great for migraines too.
Great for skin and mind

Some people could be allergic to the oils
Don Ha
I use oils in my office. The only thing I would mention is to make sure they are validated. For example, Lavender oils should mention an AOC certification on the label. That is given by the French government for the correct species with the correct levels of active ingredients etc. True lavender only comes from the southern plateaus in France. Many companies are selling oils these days that are adulterated or a complete chemical. There is no such thing as "Therapeutic Grade" oils. Also, all testing by the company should be done in house as you can't trust third party testing. Feel free to contact our office if you would like more information.
I have had patient respond well to oil therapy for headache and migraines. I have seen some success in joint pain, but it is often very temporary in relief (1-2 hours). I would recommend trying one medication at a time irregardless of oil therapy or oral medication, to objectively determine if it is making a difference in symptom relief.
It depends on what you are using it for. I think they can be useful topically or in aromatherapy, but I am not a fan of people taking them internally and have seen the damage they can cause to the mouth and stomach. As previously mentioned, you need to be cautious about quality. Make sure that any "studies" we're actually published in a real journal and not just written and posted on the company website. I also generally tell people to steer clear of any multi-level marketing products as they tend to falsify "studies" and skimp on quality.
I think essential oils are wonderfully healing. Make sure you use one of the higher quality like DoTerra or Young Living Oils. Stay away from the low grade oils that will do more harm than good.
It depends on what you're using it for. If used as part of aromatherapy and it helps you relax, there's no problem with that. Some oils, such as medium chain triglycerides, have established uses in pediatrics. Some adults start taking these on this basis but my suspicion is that they're just increasing their calorie/fat intake unnecessarily.
Good for the skin and may relax you. If you have dry skin and need to relax its great. If they tell you it will cure disease or anything crazy like that stay away. You can buy inexpensive kits and do it yourself at home.