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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Acid reflex

I get a bad headache or feel nasusa I eat and spit throw up about 3 times a week i am only 25 years old not over weight. What is going on?
  • Female | 25 years old
  • Medications: Birth control pills
  • Conditions: no

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Few things can be wrong. You make have these symptoms as a result of side effects to you births control pills, or migrane headaches with nausea and vomiting. It's better if you see your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist.
While this could be reflux, migraines can cause such symptoms of nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain with or without headache. Oral contraceptives can have such side effects as nausea and headache. Oral contraceptives should never be taken by true migraine sufferers. These issues should be addressed before evaluating the stomach for ulcers, H. Pylori infection and delayed gastric emptying. Ulcers and gastritis can be caused by the headache medication you take.
Certainly there can be triggers causing your symptoms. See if there is a pattern you can identify. Does it correlate with types of food you are eating, times of your meals, and size of your meals. Try to have your last bite of food 2 hours prior to bedtime and eliminate certain food groups one at time (lactose/dairy, caffeine, gluten). Another approach would be to try a over the counter proton pump inhibitor like nexium and see if there is an improvement. If all of the above does not work, I would then recommend a visit to the GI specialist.
See a GI doctor, ask them if testing for h. Pylori is appropriate..
Israel Kochin
Could be related to GI problem vs neurological problem. See your physician. Agree that BCP can exacerbate migraine.
Robby T. Ayoub
Nausea and vomiting after eating is a complicated problem. Start with a dietary diary and record all foods eaten within 1-2 hours before the episodes. A primary care provider should then review this information and examine you. If you believe you have acid reflux, stop caffeine, alcohol and late meals before bed.
See your primary care doctor or consult a gastroenterologist right away. There are numerous causes that could be at work but you need prompt medical attention. Chances are very good you can be treated successfully
Matthew J. Guy
I agree with Dr Cohen's answer that Migraines, exacerbated by Birth Cotrol Pills is likely, yet if you read up on Migraine triggers and management and temporarily stop your BCP, it may become clearer. If not consistent association with headache then several other possibilities thus important that you make that appointment with your primary care doctor or GI. Try reading Migraine on
Neil M. Kassman
You could be suffering from Gall stones or acid reflux or Bile reflux. Need to see your internist and be started on a trial of PPI'S and to be checked for gastritis as well.
Jasmin Javaherian