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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Period lasting to long

I've been on my period a week short of 2mnths. Had it for 4weeks stopped for 1week then started again,and now i'm going on my 3rd week... Back in July thru first part of sept. I did not have a period. The week of the 15th of Sept I started, and it lasted for 4weeks. Then off one week now on my 3rd week back on again. This has never happened to me before. Always right on time,month after month year after year. Should I be concerned?
  • Female | 49 years old
  • Complaint duration: 62 days
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Height: 5'6 1/2"
  • Weight: 150lbs

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Your physician can do an exam to find out if your uterus contains fibroids or polyps. Based on the cause for the bleeding there're simple out-patient procedures like D&C (Dilatation and Curettage), Hysteroscopy and Endometrial Ablation, that although simple, can have tremendous positive impact on your quality of life until you go through the change and stop having periods.
While this may signal that your ovaries are wavering as you approach menopause (the complete cessation of periods for a minimum of 1 year) as long a your period is not consistently too heavy, too long or too often then no intervention is necessary during this natural transition.

If bleeding continues to be excessive it can usually be easily managed with birth control pills, the Mirena IUD, or an endometrial ablation. Hysterectomy only if other measures fail.

Good to have options. Knowledge is power!
Based of your history and your age, you are most likely peri- menopausal. "Peri" means "around" and "menopause" is defined by no menses for 12 consecutive months. The average age of menopause in United Stares is 51. Studies have shown that women can have symptoms of Menopause up to 7 years prior to actually being menopausal. That means as early as 44, a woman can signs of menopause such as hot flashes, irregular bleeding, dry vagina, mood swings, insomnia, short term memory loss and headaches. The bleeding seen during the peri- menopausal time is exactly as you have described your bleeding. Cycles of bleeding are closer together and prolonged. These symptoms are all due to fluctuating levels of Estrogen. It is wise for you to seek medical advice for definitive diagnosis and to rule out any other cause of bleeding.

Dr. Lara Oxnard
Adrienne E. Lara
I think an evaluation is recommended. The menopausal transition or peri-menopause, usually begins 4 years before the final menstrual period and is marked by irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal fluctuations, sleep disturbances, hot flashes and changes in sexual function. A pelvic ultrasound will help evaluate for endometrial polyps, leiomyomas, or other structural causes. A complete blood count, pregnancy test, FSH and estradiol levels at minimum in terms of lab testing. Hormonal contraception or an intrauterine device may cause irregularity in bleeding as well.
Thank you, I will find one, and follow up.
Irregular uterine bleeding in premenopausal age with you require Gyn visit.
Heeshin Kim
It sounds like hormonal imbalance. Also need to rule out uterine fibroids. Please see your GYN for thorough exam and testing to identify a problem. Good luck!
This is a reason to have a face-to-face visit with your OB-GYN or Family Doctor, because you may need additional tests. Good Luck & Healthy Living!
Sounds hormonaly based, probably not structural. Time to go see your obgyn. I, also recommend evaluation by a bioidentical hormone specialist. The synthetic hormones just don't work very well
David Lang
At 47 years old it is very possible that you are in PRE-menopause. During this phase your hormones can fluctuate all over the place and not be regular anymore. You should have blood tests for FSH,Estradiol,Progesterone and a pelvic ultrasound to evasluate if you have fibroids or an other structural problem in the uterus. Then you should consult someone like me who can evaluate your hormones and design a treatment plan to get you balanced as you move closer to menopause.