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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I have trouble retaining information

Is their any medication that can help me improve my memory
  • Female | 31 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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4 UpVoted this answer
There are many reasons for apparent difficulty with retention of information. Since you have indicated this is a relatively new symptom, I will assume you do not have an ADD or ADHD problem. If you have recently been under severe stress or have not been sleeping well, these are the two most common causes of short term memory difficulty. There are no medications that are specifically for memory improvement, however, if you are experiencing other difficulties such as depression or anxiety, some medications will improve these symptoms and can help your memory as well. There are some things you can do to improve your memory. Providing your body with excellent nutrition such as proteins, vegetables and fruits, and eliminating other non-nutritional products will feed your brain properly. Make sure you are getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Exercising aerobically will decrease the symptoms of stress and allow you to breathe deeper, getting more oxygen to the brain. Also, practicing relaxation through deep breathing, meditation or yoga can help you relax. There are also some memory strategies that can help you remember. Making a written list of things you want to remember or accomplish will assist you with the things you are doing for the day. Taking notes in class or when learning new information can be helpful, especially if you learn best from seeing the information. Pairing new information with previously learned information is a good link. Using funny or silly pictures in your mind, connected to the information you wish to retain can also assist you. Make a habit of reviewing the things you want to remember several times, especially immediately after receiving new information. Create a study time with no distractions where you can practice learning longer lists of information. Start with a shopping list. Put the first item on your head, the second item on your nose, the third item on your mouth, etc. Using props, such as your body, your bedroom, or your car can trigger your memory when you have paired an item with something familiar. If the problem continues or becomes worse, please consult your physician and have a complete medical checkup. There could be an underlying medical issue that you want to know about. I wish you the best and remember to take care of your body so that it can take care of you.

Sue Jobe, Ph.D.

West Palm Beach, Florida
Sue Jobe
2 UpVoted this answer
The best thing to use for sharpening your memory is Ginkgo Baloba. You can find it at any vitamin shop.
Suzi Schor
1 UpVoted this answer
What makes you think you have a problem with memory? You know, many of us can be forgetful. So subjective evaluations of memory are difficult to compare.

That's why we usually have you come in to take memory tests of all kinds. Visual memory, verbal memory, short term memory, long term memory, attention, sustained attention, etc.

First of all, it's important to understand the extent of your memory problems when compared objectively to the average population. That can only be done through formal attention and memory testing.

Then, when you determine the nature of the problem, that's where solutions come in to play. I know of no "memory pills", as such, but who knows? It depends on so many factors since attention and memory are negatively affected by so many things.

Best of luck to you!
1 UpVoted this answer
Yes there are meds you can take to help you retain information however there are other complications that could be causing you not to be able to retain information. I recommend that you see your primary care physician or a psychologist to get an evaluation on what is going on with you.
1 UpVoted this answer
I would direct this question to another type of specialist, not a question for a neurosurgeon
1 UpVoted this answer
Since I am a psychologist and not a psychiatrist I have a limited knowledge on Medication but I know of none other than ADD medication that my help; but there are behavioral techniques to help: example. Neurofeedback and Luminosity

Dr. Jack McInroy, Psychologist.
Memory medication is available, but it is important to research why you have memory problems before just ordering memory meds.
This is not an appropriate question to be asking a non-medical professional. I am a Doctor of Psychology, not a physician. Hence I cannot ethically offer any advice on medication issues.
Many things can cause problems with memory. The first thing you need to do is to consult a medical doctor to see if you really do have a problem, and, if you do, follow your medical doctor's recommendations regarding the best course of treatment. Psychologists and psychotherapists are not allowed to prescribe medication.
Leilani Jennings
It depends on the cause and the severity. There are supplements that sometimes can be helpful. Axona and CerefolinNAC are medical foods that require a prescription but can be helpful. There is some evidence in support of vitamin D and ginkgo biloba. Some physicians prescribe Aricept or Namenda or one of the other medications used to slow the progression of dementia.
Robert Hoffman