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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Hole in Mouth!!!

Please tell me what this is.. It causes my slight pain and I thought it was my widsom tooth growing in but today I looked with a flashlight and seena hole in the upper back left of my gum!! I have a sore throat with this hole.. please help.
  • Female | 20 years old
  • Complaint duration: 6 days

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3 UpVoted this answer David G. Milder, DDS, MD Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, San Diego
I agree with a lot of the other answers on here. It looks like it is the wisdom tooth causing trauma to the surrounding tissues. Go see your dentist as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Pamela MacPherson
1 UpVoted this answer
From the photograph it looks like the wisdom tooth erupting and breaking through the gum. Keep the area clean and rinse with Luke warm salt water to prevent an infection. Contact your dentist or an oral surgeon to have it evaluated and to discuss your options.
Go to the dentist.
That is most likely a third molar (wisdom tooth) trying to erupt. Check with a dentist asap. The pain could be a result of the opposing tooth biting on the tissue covering the erupting tooth or it could be bacteria trapped under the folds of that tissue. Peter Merai DDS, FAGD.
It looks like the third molar is erupting or biting on the adjacent skin. Please get some advice with your dentist.
Eric Spieler
It definitely looks like trauma to the area because of a misaligned wisdom tooth. The wisdom tooth looks tilted back and it looks to be rubbing against the cheek in the back. I would go see your dentist to have a look, but it may require having that wisdom tooth taken out. Hope that helps.
From the picture provided, it could be a combination of two things. First, it could be pericoronitis, this is where the tissue if a newly erupted tooth to the oral cavity gets bacteria between the tissue and the tooth. In the photo it looks more along the lines of trauma with previously periocoronal tissue enlargement. Warm salt water will help decrease the inflammation along with Ibuprofen but if infection is present, an antibiotic might be needed. Visit your oral health care provider and let them get a better look at it.
Looks like a wisdom tooth coming out. Consult with dentist or oral surgeon for xray
Daniel G. Sena
Looks like your upper wisdom tooth is erupting sideways and is rubbing against the cheeck giving you a sore.

I would look into seeing a dentist that can evaluate all wisdom teeth and make recommendation for treatment/ extractions.
It looks like your Bach molar (wisdom) tooth is coming out in a wrong position and it is irritating the area due to continuous rubbing of the tooth to the area so you need to see your dentist to get it out
Randa Nasr