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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Teeth wighten

Can i use lemon juice with baking power to whiten my teeth. Is there any harm in this procedure?
  • Male | 18 years old

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Lemon juice will not whiten your teeth. Small amounts of baking soda may be used to clean your teeth with a toothbrush if you brush for two minutes.
I would not do this. I have Gerard about thiamin the Internet and Facebook.

Not recommend d.

Schedule a

Dental visit with someone who does bleaching with gels or

Daniel G. Sena
I would not recommend this for tooth whitening. I have heard this is on the Internet and Facebook.

Do not do it.

Schedule a

Visit with a

Cosmetic dentist to assist you with whitening procedures.
Daniel G. Sena
Lemon juice is highly acidic and would cause erosion of your enamel. Please see your dental professional before you proceed with any teeth whitening
I would not advise you to do this. Over time baking powder can be to abrasive to your teeth. Also the lemon juice is very acidic. It will erode the enamel, weaken the teeth and cause sensitivity. You can easily have your teeth whitened safely at most general dentist offices.
Doctors don't recommend treatments with things that we do not control or understand. Baking soda probably will not have any visible effect, but lemon juice, how acidic? how much? for how long? 15 minutes twice a week or 2 hours every day. What is the person recommending this looking at? If they are white chalky surfaces this could be de-calcification and erosion of the enamel, might look white for a while and be making it weak and porous (full of holes).
Lemon juice is acidic and with repeated use it will wear away the enamel which can never be replaced. Baking soda does not whiten teeth. As a side note hydrogen peroxide contains extraordinary amounts of free radicals and should never be used in the mouth in case of accidental ingestion. Enamel could be dense or translucent. The yellow color of teeth usually comes from the yellow dentin layer which is under the enamel. If you have translucent enamel whitening will do little good. If it's dense enamel the effect is better. Over the counter whitening kits are safe. The ones used in dental offices are aggressive. No one knows the long term effects of whitening chemicals on teeth so the best option is not to bleach teeth. Hope this helps.

Peter Merai DDS, FAGD in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Not a dental treatment. If you have a friend who did it and said, "Look how white my teeth got!" then stay away from his/her advice. What you describe will ruin your teeth. Teeth can be whitened with costs that range from inexpensive to expensive. The MOST expensive treatment is to use lemon juice with baking powder (or baking soda), ruin your teeth, and find yourself with MAJOR dental repair bills.
Tooth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel and is an ideal way to enhance the beauty of your smile. Because having whiter teeth has now become the number one aesthetic concern of most patients, there are a number of ways to whiten teeth. The most popular method is using a home tooth whitening system that will whiten teeth dramatically. Since tooth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, it is important to evaluate replacement of any old fillings, crowns, etc. Replacement of any restorations will be done after bleaching so they will match the newly bleached teeth. Tooth whitening is not permanent. A touch-up may be needed every several years and more often if you smoke, drink coffee, tea, or wine.

Reasons for tooth whitening:

Fluorosis (excessive fluoridation during tooth development)

Normal wear of outer tooth layer

Stained teeth due to medications (tetracycline, etc.)

Yellow, brown stained teeth

What does tooth whitening involve?

This type of tooth whitening usually requires two visits. At the first appointment, impressions (molds) will be made of your teeth to fabricate custom, clear plastic trays. At your second appointment, you will try on the trays for proper fit and adjustments will be made if necessary. The trays are worn with a special whitening solution either twice a day for 30 minutes or overnight for a couple of weeks, depending on the degree of staining and desired level of whitening. It is normal to experience tooth sensitivity during the time you are whitening your teeth, but it will subside shortly after you have stopped bleaching. You will receive care instructions for your teeth and trays, and be encouraged to visit your dentist regularly to help maintain a beautiful, healthy, white smile.
Tooth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment used to change the color of natural tooth enamel and is an ideal way to enhance the beauty of your smile. Because having whiter teeth has now become the number one aesthetic concern of most patients, there are a number of ways to whiten teeth. The most popular method is using a home tooth whitening system that will whiten teeth dramatically. Since tooth whitening only works on natural tooth enamel, it is important to evaluate replacement of any old fillings, crowns, etc. Replacement of any restorations will be done after bleaching so they will match the newly bleached teeth. Tooth whitening is not permanent. A touch-up may be needed every several years and more often if you smoke, drink coffee, tea, or wine.

Reasons for tooth whitening:

Fluorosis (excessive fluoridation during tooth development)

Normal wear of outer tooth layer

Stained teeth due to medications (tetracycline, etc.)

Yellow, brown stained teeth


What does tooth whitening involve?

This type of tooth whitening usually requires two visits. At the first appointment, impressions (molds) will be made of your teeth to fabricate custom, clear plastic trays. At your second appointment, you will try on the trays for proper fit and adjustments will be made if necessary. The trays are worn with a special whitening solution either twice a day for 30 minutes or overnight for a couple of weeks, depending on the degree of staining and desired level of whitening. It is normal to experience tooth sensitivity during the time you are whitening your teeth, but it will subside shortly after you have stopped bleaching. You will receive care instructions for your teeth and trays, and be encouraged to visit your dentist regularly to help maintain a beautiful, healthy, white smile.