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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

white discoloration

white discoloration on the roof of my mouth. I am sick right now with what I believe is strep throat. please help!
  • Complaint duration: 3 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer Dr. Ada Gruita, DDS Dentist, Mission Viejo
It could be strep throat, with this being said, a proper diagnosis from your primary care physician in conjunction with a brush biopsy of the area will help determine this for sure. Make an appointment with your primary care physician or an oral health care provider so you can be treated for this issue. In the meantime, rinse your mouth with warm salt water to decrease inflammation of the area.
I do not see anything that makes me alarmed. It could be the natural coloring of the roof of your mouth. Go see you physician if you are having a severe sore throat that is lasting more tha 5 days..get a throat culture.

Seek out a dentist once your throat gets better for an evaluation of your palate.
Eric Spieler
That does not appear to be strep throat. Strep throat happens in your throat, not on the roof of your mouth.
Please see your primary care physician to get a strep test and then you will know and definate diagnosis.
That is not strep throat. Try wiping it off with a dry paper towel. If it does not wipe off check with the dentist asap.If it wipes off but re appears later check with the dentist. If you are in the area stop by and I'll figure it out pretty quickly.
Strep is very contagious and painful, see your dentist or medical doctor for biopsy and diagnosis.
Daniel G. Sena
It appears normal not like strep, your dentist can swab area and culture to verify my a strep infection. The back of your throat or sides will be enlarged and painful
Daniel G. Sena
Strep throat does not effect the hard palate, Often when people don't feel good, they become lax in their oral hygiene, especially not brushing your palate and tongue, which can lead to the build up of a white film. Try gentle brushing of your palate and tongue when you are brushing your teeth. You could very well also have strep throat if your throat is very sore and very red. See you primary care physician if you are worried about strep throat.
Terry Pratt
I you think you have Strep throat it is important that you see you primary care doctor asap to get a diagnosis and proper treatment. Strep is very contagious and can have serious consequences if not treated. If it turns out not to be strep your primary care doctor or your dentist can determine what is on the roof of your mouth.
I recommend that you contact your dentist as soon as possible. It may be nothing to be concerned about but your dentist can monitor your progress
Timothy Agapas