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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Raw tooth

I think a have a raw tooth but there's more to it, after 1 of my tooth became raw then all my teeth became loose and I've been having sour throats for 5 days it won't go aw5ay I can't eat almost anything do you know what this is???
  • Male | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 7 days

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Unfortunately I am unable to determine the nature of your complaint in this forum. However you have raised some serious implications so I would recommend that you see a trusted dentist for a proper exam.
I'm not sure what 'raw tooth' means here. However a 22 yo should not have loose teeth at all. Sounds like periodontal disease. The sore throat could be a separate issue.

Check with a dentist asap.

Peter Merai DDS, FAGD
Wow this sounds serious.

Schedule a

Visit soon to determine what is happening.

Could be gum infections n or something

Spreading from your raw tooth.
Daniel G. Sena

This sounds serious.

Schedule a visit soon.

You may have an infection spreading to your gums or from your raw tooth.
Daniel G. Sena
When was the time you visited a dentist? Does you breathe smell daily? Do you floss daily? All these questions would help determine the true issue. Periodontal Disease can contribute to loose teeth due to increased calculus build up and chronic inflammation of the supporting gum tissue/ bone. You should make an appointment with your oral health care provider. At this appointment, x-rays and exam could help to determine the true underlying issues you are having.
It appears , you have gum disease but your dentist can explore more and guide you properly for the correct treatment.. It will not go away itself without any treatment, might get worst untreated.
Familydentalregopark Verma
There are things that can make your teeth sore (painful) and loose that only have to do with your mouth and there are things that can do the same but are medical conditions. Which could be advancing and possibly putting your life in danger, you need to see somebody, i would recommend a dentist. Loose teeth at age 22 is very unusual, but sometimes teeth and gums are sore and people think they are loose.
Please see a dentist ASAP. I'm not sure what you mean by "raw", but all the teeth becoming loose, sour taste, and difficulty eating should be considered urgent. Please go to a dentist immediately to find out what is happening.
I am not sure what you mean by a raw tooth, painful perhaps? See a dentist to evaluate your teeth. Your teeth should not bee loose at your age. A dentist can help you.
I am assuming that raw means painful. If you are having pain, loose teeth, can't eat and sore throats you should be seeing a dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime I suggest that you begin brushing and flossing daily to minimize any gum tissue involvement. I would also suggest that you rinse and gargle once or twice per day with salt water (1 teaspoon of salt in an 8 oz glass)
Timothy Agapas