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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

2 year old filling with swollen gums

I got a filling 2 years ago as of today my gums are swollen. What is causing that to happen?
  • Complaint duration: 1 day
  • Medications: Tylenol

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1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
This should be checked by a dental professional. Swelling can be caused by a number of issues.
Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S.
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
Typically the guns are a separate issue from fillings. First have your gums checked for gum disease. If the swelling is in a localized area, it may be due to an abscess. An abscess can be caused from a dead nerve on the tooth. It is common on teeth with very large fillings.
Sharon Bader
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
Swelling is a sign of infection. This needs to be evaluated in person with an exam and possible x-ray in order to be treated properly. Please see your dentist to have it evaluated.
Pamela MacPherson
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
When there is swelling in or around your gums, that is the result of an infection or inflammation. Go and see your dentist and have this evaluated.
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
There are too many possibilities to justify a blog post helpful to your particular situation. Periodontists are specialists in the area of gum and bone health in the mouth. I would ask for a referral. If your general dentist refuses, find a new dentist.
Jason M. Gee
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
Swelling is the bodies signal that something is not right. You don't mention of you have regular dental check-ups or if you got the tooth filled and haven't been back, or if there is tooth pain associated with the swelling. Swelling is an indication of infection and inflammation. The two most likely reasons are a dying nerve in the tooth or periodontal disease. Another possibility is something stuck in the gums, like a popcorn shell. You need to visit your dentist so that they can examine and diagnose your condition and then treat it accordingly. The sooner, the better!
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
Swelling is an indication of inflammation or infection . It could be caused by an infection in the tooth or an infection in the gum. It could be as simple as inflammation due to getting a piece of food caught between your gums. What you need to do is to go to your dentist as soon as possible so he can determine what the cause of your swelling is and then take care of your problem. Swelling is a symptom that should not be ignored and should be taken care of as soon as you can.
Michael Stein
1 UpVoted this answer Cvetan Mechev, DDS Dentist, La Mesa
You might just need a scaling and polishing by your dentist or hygienist. This should be done at least every 6 months. At the same time, there could be other conditions that need to be remedied. You should see a dental professional for a proper assessment.
J. Abe  Smith
Probably plaque build up above and below the gums or an infection affecting that tooth. Please check with a dentist.

Peter Merai, DDS, FAGD.
It could be that the tooth is dying under the filling.

You may need to see endodonist or ask your doctor about root canals or periodontal infections.
Daniel G. Sena