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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I have an itchy teeth

I'm 18 year old and my teeth always itches me. I don't know whether it is because I have an upper right canine underbite. Some parts of my teeth look white and brown. Want to know cure and can braces help to correct it?
  • Male | 18 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer
It would be impossible to diagnose the cause of your symptoms without doing a comprehensive dental exam. Please consult your existing dentist if you have one to help you understand the cause of your problem.
2 UpVoted this answer
Not really sure of what you mean by itchy teeth, but I presume you mean some type of sensitivity which should be evaluated by a dentist. A malpositioned canine most likely can be corrected with orthodontics. There are different causes for discoloration from trauma, antibiotics to decay, so again you should see your dentist.
1 UpVoted this answer David Westerberg, DDS Dentist, Redlands
Cure? More likely remission... When teeth feel "itchy" it is most often due to a mouth infection with harmful bacteria. Braces may help correct the concern by making the teeth straighter and more easy to brush and FLOSS. Consult with your dentist or periodontist asap.
You are not the first patient to say, "My teeth itch". Every time I hear this it makes me laugh. I would consult a Dentist and be sure to let the office know all the medications you are taking. Did the itching feeling start after you received a new prescription? Sometimes that is the cause.
Start a regular hygiene routine at home with proper brushing(use baking soda for now instead of OTC toothpaste as you may have a sensitivity to some of the ingredients) and flossing. See a dentist to evaluate and advise on your concerns.
Renae Roelofs
It is probably not your teeth but your gums. You may have a gum infection due to a build up of plaque and tartar. This is indicative of a infection. If it has been a long time since you had a dental cleaning then you need to see a dentist ASAP for an evaluation and X-rays of your mouth.
James A. Vito
In all my education, I have never heard of nor am I familiar with "itchy" teeth. You may be experiencing some sort of sensitivity. You should visit your dentist to evaluate the areas experiencing the discomfort. As for the discolorations, you may have demineralization (weakening of tooth enamel), caries, or intrinsic staining. Orthodontics can definitely correct the malposed canine and improve your oral hygiene. Make an appointment to see your dentist for a thorough evaluation and referral to an orthodontist for a consultation.
You describe a lot of issues with your teeth, so I can assume your teeth mean a lot to you. No one can give you an accurate answer by reading your posted question. A full examination by a dentist and or hygienist could give you all the answers you need. Make sure to ask lots of questions and avoid "quick" fixes for cosmetic purposes. You should always strive to do what is best for the long-term, including keeping them clean and healthy. Good Luck.
It sounds like you have several very valid concerns. My suggestions is that you consult with your dentist. Braces can fix the arrangement of your teeth but not the color. An itchy feeling may be more a gum problem. Only your dentist can tell for sure with a thorough evaluation.
I assume "itchy" means you are having a tingling or strange sensation. This can be your gums or your bad bite. If its due to your bite it can be fixed with braces. The best cure for your white and brown spots is probably bonding ( these are fillings over the surface of the teeth to get rid of discolorations ).