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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

How to care for a crown

just had a crown (lithium dicaliate) crown put on tooth #19.

Should i brush on it with toothpaste? and if so how long?

if i brush, will it tarnish or stain come off or stain it in general?

im sure crowns were down over years of use?
  • Male | 36 years old

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3 UpVoted this answer Arnold J. Malerman, DDS Orthodontist, Dresher
Treat your new crown just like you would treat your natural teeth! Brush your entire mouth with toothpaste for a total of 2 minutes, twice a day. Most importantly, floss once/day. Since a crown fits over your natural tooth, it still can get a cavity without regular brushing and flossing. Brushing alone will not take off the staining incorporated into the crown, however exposure to highly acidic foods may dull the appearance over time. You may notice superficial staining from tea, coffee and red wine can appear on your crown as well as your natural teeth, but these will be removed with your regular dental cleanings.
2 UpVoted this answer
brush normally (which means twice a day) and floss regularly. floss what you want to keep!
2 UpVoted this answer
Brush, brush, brush..............with toothpaste.

Spend 4 mins at least, since you needed a crown already it sounds like you need to avoid another one.

Nothing will happen to the crown, but the tooth under it can become rotten if you don't brush well enough.

That crown could last your lifetime.
Kurt Mitchler
1 UpVoted this answer
Brush your crown just like the rest of your natural teeth.I usually recommend counting from 1-10 for each section of your mouth,that way you are thouroughly cleaning them ,thus preventing stain build up.
1 UpVoted this answer
Congratulations! You got a crown from the best material available today. You should treat it just like the rest of your teeth.It will age pretty much like the rest of your teeth and no special care is needed. Don't forget to flossed it too.
Tania M. Baker
1 UpVoted this answer
Yes, brush it with a fluoridated toothpaste. The total amount of time for all your teeth should be a minimum of two minutes. Brushing will help reduce stain accumulation. But time, food, and drinks will tarnish the appearance of both the crown and your teeth. Crowns and teeth wear down over years of use. But cleaning your crown and teeth with brushing and flossing, reducing acidic and sugary foods, and regular dental cleanings and check ups will help reduce damage to your teeth, gums, bone, and restorative dentistry.
1 UpVoted this answer
Treat it as if it was a normal tooth. Brushing will not tarnish the crown. As far as wear of the crown, if it was made properly, it will not wear out over the years.
1 UpVoted this answer
i agree with both dentists. The concern you would have is valid with regards to Polishing procedure done at the dental office routinely after a cleaning. The crown has a final layer that adds luster to the crown and that can only tolerate a few polishing times ( maybe 6 times) then it wears off and start looking dull, but it does not in any way affect the function and structural integrity of the crown. So ask your hygienist at your next cleaning to not polish the crown.


Tala Aziz
Brush your crown like the natural teeth.However do not use abrasive pastes or baking soda on the porcelain crown as it is important to maintain the glaze layer (gloss).This will prevent stains from forming on the crown, The rougher the tooth/crown surface the more stains are likely to be collected.Rotary tooth brush is advisable as lot of people fall into the habit of quick/faulty brushing technique and can do more harm in the long term.
Vinay Jerath
Brush and floss your crown daily like your natural teeth.