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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


Hi, I'm trying to have a baby. This past month I used the fertility calendar and I had sex that day, only one time and he finished inside of me twice. I still got my period today is the 4th day. I'm ready for my first baby, how can I get pregnant fast this month?
  • Female | 19 years old
  • Medications: N/A
  • Conditions: I can't get pregnant

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By checking your temperature daily as soon as you wake up, you find out when you're fertile.

After you have your period the temperature will be below 98 and when you ovulate it rises to 98 and above. When it first rises to 98, the first three days are fertile. If you have intercourse on those three days, you can achieve pregnancy.
I would download the app Glow and use it to track your ovulation as well as your body temperature. There is also Clear-blue easy to help you identify when you are ovulating. You can buy it over the counter. Good luck! At 19 you should not require any help from a professional. You're likely perfectly fertile. You just need to have consistent sex and more often than twice when you are ovulating. You ovulate around the 14th day of your menstrual cycle and day 1 is the first day of your period. Good luck!
The likelihood that any healthy couple can conceive on a given month is only 20% or 1 in 5 chance. To increase that you would need to see a physician and consider taking medications that may increase the risk of multiples. My advice is to just keep trying
Kianoush Khaghany
f your cycles are between 28-30 days then you probably ovulate sometime between day 12 and 16. Young women tend to have irregular cycles so their ovulation day can be quite erratic. If your cycle is longer than 32 days, you might need to take medication (ie. Clomid) to ovulate better. You can also use an ovulation predictor kit, starting on cycle day 11. Ovulation usually occur the day following the LH surge, so have sex that day and the next 2 days. However, if you cannot see the LH surge, then you will likely need help from your doctor. Good luck!
Sy Q. Le
If your cycles are between 28-30 days then you probably ovulate sometime between day 12 and 16. Young women tend to have irregular cycles so their ovulation day can be quite erratic. If your cycle is longer than 32 days, you might need to take medication (ie. Clomid) to ovulate better. You can also use an ovulation predictor kit, starting on cycle day 11. Ovulation usually occur the day following the LH surge, so have sex that day and the next 2 days. However, if you cannot see the LH surge, then you will likely need help from your doctor. Good luck!
Sy Q. Le
Becoming pregnant assuming you have regular menstrual cycles consistently 26-35 days apart and have normal fallopian tubes where fertilization takes place typically will occur in < 6 months but as may take as long as 12 months. It is best to have sex starting 2-3 days before ovulation and continue every other day until 2-3 days past your ovulation time. Remember it is important to take enough folic acid, 400mcg a day, ideally 3 months before you conceive to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. If you have not conceived within a year of trying a work up should be initiated. A semen analysis is typically an out of pocket expense and male factor infertility accounts for nearly 1/3 of infertility cases. Typically you can pursue a semen analysis at anytime. Good-luck, I am sure you will be pregnant in no time at all!
Nancy E. Bass
Make love starting on the tenth day(six more days later) and repeat every other day for 8 times( the last day of sexual intercourse will be the 24th day)

That will Maxine your pregnancy probability THIS month.
Don Ha
First you need to take prenatal vitamins and have a prenatal consultation!

Then if all normal you can keep track of your cycles and use a test called ovulation predictor test that will help you find your most fertile days! If after one year of trying you have not gotten pregnant on your own the you and your partner should have a full infertility evaluation! Good luck!
If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than 1 year, then you should consult a doctor.

Otherwise, with patience, you have a 90% chance of getting pregnant after trying for 12 straight months.

The calendar method works but is not the most efficient way to determine optimal time for intercourse because the first half of your period (egg development) can change from month to month. You can use ovulation detection kits, but they can be expensive. (Remember though, babies are even more expensive).

Some things to consider:

You must be able to answer the two following questions:

1. Do your periods usually come about one month apart?

2. Do your periods usually come when you expect them?

Only if both are yes should you proceed to trying timing for pregnancy. The reason is that the only part of the cycle that is the same is the period between ovulating and the start of your cycle. From the point of your cycle to your ovulation (follicle formation stage) is variable and can change from month to month.

To make your planning more effective, consider adding the 2 day method. While not as effective as ovulation detection kits, it is much easier to use. The method is based on using cervical secretions (you will notice that at certain times during the month, before ovulation, you will have a clear, odor-less, sticky discharge on your labia. You simply start having sex on any days that you note the secretions. This is a simpler approach.

If you are comfortable using the calendar method, I recommend to simply add the 2 day method as a simple protection. If you think you are ovulation on a certain day, and notice the cervical mucus, then start having intercourse every 48 hours for one and still use the calendar method. This should increase those rare times when your period comes on sooner than it should have, which means you ovulated earlier than you predicted.
Carlos I. Gabriel
If your having sex 3 times a weeks, there is always sperm available in your tubes for conception. Sex should be an enjoyable activity, that is spontaneous. Timing intercourse is not helpful with normal coital frequency.

If you have been having regular intercourse for over a year without success, see your doc about an infertility work-up. Most of the time, there is an easy solution.