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  • Mon: 8am - 6pm
    Tues: 8am - 5pm
    Wed: 8am - 6pm
    Thurs: 8am - 5pm
    Fri: 8am - 2pm
    Sat: 8am - 12pm
    Sun: Call for availability

f your cycles are between 28-30 days then you probably ovulate sometime between day 12 and 16. Young women tend to have irregular cycles so their ovulation day can be quite erratic. If your cycle is longer than 32 days, you might need to take medication (ie. Clomid) to ovulate better. You can also use an ovulation predictor kit, starting on cycle day 11. Ovulation usually occur the day following the LH surge, so have sex that day and the next 2 days. However, if you cannot see the LH surge, then you will likely need help from your doctor. Good luck!

Sy Q. Le

Education & Credentials

ASRM - American Society of Reproductive Medicine
AAGL - American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists