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  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


Hello I got my braces removed and the permanent retainers fixed on the upper and lower sides of the teeth. When I got my braces removed there was swelling in my gums. Its been more than a month and there are spaces in my teeth now. What should I do?
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 32 days
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: None

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Definitely go speak with your orthodontist. You may want to have an essix retainer made from your mold taken on the day you finished and wear it to move the teeth back into position. This will only work if done soon so go see them right away.
Go see your Orthodontic provider for treatment options and relief. It takes time for the gingiva to go down but it has been 32 days, so you may need to see your Dentist and Hygiene department for a cleaning for the gingiva to return to normal. Then the spacing can be addressed. Best of luck.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
You should consult your orthodontist again, who will advise you on space maintenance and oral hygiene.
J. Abe  Smith
The practitioner who performed the orthodontic treatment for you should be the first to be addressed about the issue. If this had already being talked about in the treatment planning phase then there should be a plan to address it. If not then they should lay out your options.
Often people can have adverse reactions to permanent retainers. The most common of which is gingivitis, a reddening and swelling of the gums, due to the in ability of flossing under the appliance. This can also lead to recession which looks like "spaces " between the teeth. The first and most conservative treatment is a thorough cleaning, along with daily flossing under the appliance. The flossing regimine may require floss threader to get under the appliance. If this does not get satisfactory results your general dentist can prescribe an antibiotic rinse which will further assist in the healing of the tissue around your teeth. If both of the previously mentioned modalities still do not elicit the esthetics you want your trusted general dentist, with cosmetic experience, can do either composite or porcelain veneers to attain your desired results.
Agree with other doctors that you should go back to your orthodontist. they may be able to address the spacing with some simple customer aligners so that they do not need to re-apply braces. Also, the swelling is likely due to poor oral hygiene. You should go to a dentist for a cleaning.
Swelling in the gums and spaces between teeth may be an indication of Periodontal Disease. Periodontal condition can be negatively affected by orthodontic treatment.

I recommend you see me or another periodontist for an evaluation.
Terry Im
Go back to the Orthodontist. They should be able to resolve the spaces you have now. Also if you have yet to have a cleaning done I suggest that you get that done right away.

Thank You
Melanie Pugh
Swollen gums during orthodontic treatment is suaully caused by poor home care. If the gums are still swollen you need to brush better and see you dentist for a good cleaning and exam. If the swelling is gone and the space is above the gums on the front teeth you may have had some bone loss during the orthodontic treatment. If the space is between the teeth perhaps your teeth have moved before the retainers were placed or maybe the tooth space was never completely closed. Fixing the bone loss problem would require you to consult with a periodontist who specializes in bone loss situations. Fixing the space between the teeth would mean possibly going back into braces and moving the teeth till the spaces are closed. Either way you need to go back to your orthodontist and ask him/her what is going on with your teeth. If the answer does not satisfy you go back to your dentist and ask him/her.
This is a great question - This gum swelling will usually subside with great home care. That being said, I would follow up with your orthodontist and your general dentist to make sure things are going the right way. Best of Luck!