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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


my daughter is 13 Her teeth on the top are straight, except for the front 2. One sticks out and kind of overlaps the other. Would braces fix that? also her bottom front teeth are crooked not to severe but towards the left side of her mouth on the bottom one tooth is being part covered by the teeth on both sides. on the right side she seems to have two teeth in one spot. her canine tooth sticks out way front, there is another tooth directly behind leaning far back . however the canine is wiggly.
  • Female
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: I had her soak feet in Epsom salt and warm water, I rubbed peroxide as well as witch hazel on her feet

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1 UpVoted this answer
Absolutely braces can address this! As noted, treatment may involve a palate expander, but we have dealt with far more severe cases than you have described with amazing results.
1 UpVoted this answer Mark J. Birnbach, DMD Dentist, Boulder
Based on the information you have provided, your daughter likely has smaller than ideal upper and lower jaws, and likely an overbite, resulting in more crowding of teeth on the lower than the upper. The treatment for this most likely would be expansion of the upper jaw to ideal and then braces, both upper and lower to correct the teeth alignment. Of course, an evaluation by an orthodontist would be a necessary first step. Good luck to you and your daughter.
S. Kent Lauson
Braces will address and correct those issues with the alignment of the teeth. You should have your dentist refer you to an orthodontist for an exam and evaluation for braces.

There is no dental indication to soak her feet in epsom salt or to rub them with peroxide/witch hazel. You can discontinue with that immediately.
Justin Dugas
I would suggest you see an Orthodontist to properly evaluated your childs malocclusion.
Your daughter seems to have overcrowding of teeth in both arches. She needs consultation with an ortthodontist who will likely assess her space requirements and prescribe appropriate braces.
J. Abe  Smith
Hello, It sounds like your daughter is the perfect age and stage of development for evaluation and treatment by an orthodontist. The orthodontist's best friend is growth. It can really helps me to correct bad bites that may be difficult to impossible to correct in a non-growing adult. Your daughter is quickly approaching her adolescent growth spurt if she has not already started! Schedule an appointment with an orthodontic specialist right away. We can give her the smile that she wants and that you have always wanted for her.
Thats what braces are for, the wiggles are baby teeth. You need an evaluation soon, as adult teeth come in baby teeth can become trapped and be more difficult to remove. The point of straightening teeth is so they will last as long as possible. They are easier to clean when they are on a straight line (not crowded), the bone is healthier when teeth are spaced properly, back teeth work better when they contact the proper way. All of these are goals of orthodontic treatment, as well as a pretty smile.
You should bring her to an Orthodontist for evaluation as soon as possible, because she is in growing stage where there are more options to treat her.
Michael Huynh
You need to see a qualified orthodontist as soon as possible. This is a perfect age to correct all these problems.
Farrah Agahi
This definitely sounds like orthodontics are in order. As always, best is to see the dentist soon.

Waiting usually makes problem worse and treatment longer and costlier.

At this age you have a lot of options - braces, Invisalign and such, but no decision on what really needs to be done should be planned over Internet. See your dentist soon and there you will find best answers. Best to you.