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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I have recently moved from Va to Fla & my feet & ankles are swelling nearly every day. Why the daily swelling?

I am diabetic but no medications have been changed.
  • 64 years old
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 190lbs
  • Medications: Lantus, Glimepiride, Vit C, Lexapro, Pravastatin, Vit B-12, Vit E, Metformin, Diovan, Vit D3, Omeprazole, Topiramate, Oxybutynin ER
  • Conditions: Diabetes, NASH, migraines, incontinence
  • Hospitalizations: Last one was 4/2013 for herniated disc in neck

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Featured Answer

4 UpVoted this answer
Swelling in the feet and ankles can have many causes from circulatory issues, medication changes, and even weather. My hunch is that since you have moved to an area that has frequent changes in weather (as I too lived there for ~ 4 years) it is very likely that the humidity and lower pressures systems that blow through Florida on a more regular basis could be contributing to your swelling. The unknown contributing factors to consider would be changes in your circulation, type of activity and change since your move, and even overall food choices that may be causing more swelling. My best advise would be to go either to your primary care doctor or local foot specialist to discuss the possible causes. I hope that is helpful.
2 UpVoted this answer
Talk to your doctor about compression socks.
2 UpVoted this answer
I probably have more questions than answers for you but you didn't mention whether your feet and ankle are swollen all the time or just at particular times of the day such as morning or evening. Have you tried anything that made the swelling better or worse? Do you have pain with your swelling? If you press your finger into the swollen skin for 5 seconds does the dent you created stay for awhile after you remove your finger or does it fill right back up? Does your community desalinate your drinking water? Do you have a new primary care physician in Florida yet who is overseeing your diabetes treatment and have you actually been examined by him/her yet? How old are you? Did you fly from Virginia to Florida? Are other areas of your body such as hands and face swollen also? Any shortness of breath?

With all of those questions, please keep in mind the following: if you are drinking desalinated water or using it for cooking or ice cubes you will be consuming more salt than you likely were in Virginia and increased salt intake can cause fluid retention. It is likely

that you are now living where the temperature and humidity are higher which can lead to swelling. You may be eating differently in your new home than you were before. I think your first step is to see your new medical professionals in your new area for a baseline evaluation and follow their recommendations. Changes in types or dosages of medications are not uncommon when you change locales.
Gary Cramer
1 UpVoted this answer
I agree that you need to see your primary physician/endocrinologist. Although this is likely due to the heat there are too many medical reasons for your swelling that need to be considered. You would be doing yourself a favor to get to the reason and how to best manage this seemingly new complaint. Make an appointment sooner than later, in the mean time elevate your legs as often as possible to reduce the swelling, sitting with your knees bent will only make it worse. Walking may help as well until you see your doctor.
Gary S. Scheinin
1 UpVoted this answer
Please go to your primary care provider or a podiatrist for evaluation
Daisy Medina-Kreppein
1 UpVoted this answer
Blood pressure medications or incompetent veins in your legs my be causing the swelling. Try elevating your legs when sitting or in bed. If swelling continues a vascular consult my be needed? Any varicose veins on your legs?
Rudolph C Anderson
Edema is a very nebulous symptom. Take the advice of Nurse Practitioner Medina-Kreppein.
James Green

This issue could be due to any number of conditions such as weather, activity level ( were you seated on an airplane for many hours?), diet changes, current diabetes "health," any other medical conditions such as but not limited to heart, lung, liver, kidney, thyroid issues, etc. The best advice would be to have this checked out by your local podiatrist, primary care physician ( who could then in turn if need be refer you to a specialist) and endocrinologist.

Thank you
Melody Chong
There could be a lot of reasons, but it's not because opt the move. Are you on heart meds? How are your kidneys? Are you on your feet more now?
Rex E. Thornhill
Dear Florida anonymous .

This is Don Ha, licensed acupuncturist in Santa Monica,CA ; your ankle and feet swell up nearly everyday since you recently moved from Virginia to Florida, the most probable cause may be that Florida is more HUMID than Virginia which couples with blood vessel tissue damage by diabetes could bring about water retention and swelling . Our acupuncture and herbs should help you if you so wish.

Our phone# is 1-310-384-9747. Thank you!
Don Ha