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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Shaky primary tooth

I am currently 14 years old. I have a baby teeth(one of the back tooth) that is shaky since I was 9 years old. When I told my mum about this, she told me that I was probably talking nonsense and said that the baby tooth will not be shaky for so many years. At this age, most or in fact all of my close buddies have none of their baby teeth left. Is this of a concern? should i go the dentist? (even though i've not been to one for 4 years)
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 9 days

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Hi! Everyone should go to get their teeth professionally cleaned AT LEAST twice a year (and sometimes more depending on their oral condition, nutrition, etc.) Your dentist should take a full set of x-rays and do a complete exam which includes evaluation of your teeth and other oral tissues to determine a good plan. They will check that tooth out; make sure to point out your concern when you first make your appointment. A good office will listen and help you get back to a good road to oral health! All the best and Happy New Year to you!
Vasant Ramlaggan
Great question young lady. Your right of course. All of your friends should have their adult teeth excluding the wisdom teeth which can take up 25 years to erupt. The 2nd premolar which replaces the last baby molar is the third most common missing tooth for human teeth. Your permanent tooth may be missing due to congenital condition called hypodontia. Only a thorough exam including radiographs can determine this for sure. Find a dentist you trust and ask your question. This question is easy to resolve.. The correction may involve extractions, braces or implants. Good luck
That tooth should have been gone by now. Check with a dentist asap. The permanent tooth below that one will not be able to come up unless that one is removed.

Peter Merai DDS, FAGD
Yes, get an xray to learn what is going on
Daniel G. Sena
Yes, you should be concerned. The tooth may be preventing a permanent tooth from erupting. You should talk to your mom again about having that tooth examined. Having a loose tooth that is not removed could contribute to potentially having other problems.
To answer your question simply go see a Dentist. If you mean your tooth is loose (shaky) since you were 9 you need to have a radiograph taken and confer with you dentist.
Ask your dentist, who recently told you that there is a permanent tooth under the shaky baby tooth, if this is an over-retained baby tooth that will cause your permanent teeth to be crooked because it did not come out and allow your permanent teeth to line up straight. The ancient Greek philosophers identified over-retained baby teeth as a cause of crooked permanent teeth. It is as true today as it was 2,000 years ago.
Thanks for the replies! Ok so I got my mom to bring me to see a dentist and apparently there is an adult tooth underneath this shaky baby teeth..... but somehow the shaky baby teeth is not dropping...... T.T
You should visit your dentist who will be able to determine the cause your complaint.
J Abe Smith
Yes of course it is better to be checked by the dentist as you may have one of your Pemenant tooth is missing that is why you still have a baby tooth

Randa Nasr