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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


I developed a circle lump in my mouth today. It doesn't hurt, but is kind of annoying. It is the same color as the inside of my mouth. I can feel it with my hand and I can also feel it with my tongue. I am not sure what it is? Any ideas? What should I do? I am nervous about it. I don't think it is a canker sore, but am not sure.
  • Female | 21 years old
  • Complaint duration: 1 day
  • Medications: nadolol
  • Conditions: no

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer Renae Roelofs, DDS Dentist, N. Chesterfield
Most likely diagnosis of it is on an in side of your cheek and it is annoying and it's the same color of your surroundings area is a benign fibroma, it some times gets as big as a grape. And sometimes it's called irritational fibroma- causes by chipped tooth rubing on a cheek or the bite of the cheek. There could be a numerous other lesions that it could be so I suggest you go see an oral surgeon or a dentist to make a diagnosis for you.
Anatoly Smolyansky
You don't report any symptoms so that's good. You didn't say the location. Just check with a dentist. I think you will be fine.

Peter Merai DDS, FAGD
If it just developed in one day and is the same colour as tissue inside the mouth I would not be too nervous. I would certainly contact the dentist as soon as possible and have it examined.
Timothy Agapas
"Guessing" about what something is or "might be" is foolish. You need an exam. Do not wait, see your dentist or an oral surgeon. A biopsy to examine tissue is the proper thing to do.
John R. Scuba
A lump in the cheek area can be due to trauma, irritation as the result of sharp object, or blocked salivary duct and many more, in which i suggest to see a Periodontist or an oral surgeon, nearby for complete evaluation , if it does not go away within couple of days. It is best to be safe, rather than prolonging the consult and exam
You have not provided enough information about the "lump". The appearance, location, size, shape and behavior (does it enlarge then reduce in size, does it ooze a fluid, etc.) can help one narrow down the possibilities. Have your dentist evaluate it if it doesn't go away in a couple days.
Stephen Henry
Sudden onset circular lesions/bumps are usually traumatic in nature. However, it could also be an early blocked saliva duct/tube. If the lesion does not go away in a few days, call your dentist to have them evaluate it. If you are concerned or annoyed to the point of needing a professional opinion sooner, just call your dentist and get an appointment. Good news is it's not going to be cancer, so relax.
Usually the red flag for serous lesions is undefined borders, amorphous shape, or when they are multi-colored.

From what you say it sounds like you've developed a mucocele. It's just as you've descibed: a painless bump, blister-like in resemblance. Usually they are the result of a minor traumatic event (ex. biting your lip, tongue, or cheek). They're generally circular in appearance with a well-defined border (meaning where the "bump" & normal tissue are connected can be easily seen. In my office mucocele's can be easily treated with a laser.
Spencer Schwartz
It is important to visit your dentist to evaluate. Please write down any associated things that occurred, if any prior to getting the lump as this may help to get a diagnosis.
Constantin Fiacos
With canker sores there is associated pain. The location of the lesion is important in making a diagnosis, together with the color, size and associated symptoms. For a diagnosis you should see a dentist. You can choose from general dentists in your area.