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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Is my wisdom removal ok?

I got 4 wisdom teeth removed and It's been 4 days now. I don't feel much pain, I've been taking 2 pain pills a day prescribed by the surgeon and antibiotics 3 times a day also prescribed. I've been cleaning my mouth with salt water and antiseptic mouthwash. But the lower left wisdom teeth area doesn't seem ok to me. I'm not sure if the white blob in the picture is an infection or the stitching or just some food. Just wondering if this is something I should have looked at more seriously or not.
  • Complaint duration: 2 days
  • Medications: Pain pill and antibiotics

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer George K. Markle, DDS Dentist, San Francisco
What looks in the photo is dissolvable stitches and ?some food debris or sloughing tissue. Best suggestion, without actually examining the wound, will be to have it looked by your Oral Surgeon. He may suggest gentle irrigation with a syringe to keep area clean. Since only one of the four extraction sites doesn't look okay to you, it will be well worth going for follow up.
Bharat J. Chauhan
2 UpVoted this answer George K. Markle, DDS Dentist, San Francisco
Your healing appears to be going well. Your surgeon has prescribed appropriate medication and you should be reviewed within a few days.
J. Abe  Smith
1 UpVoted this answer George K. Markle, DDS Dentist, San Francisco
I don't see anything abnormal in this picture. However, I'm sure you were provided with a follow-up appointment with your surgeon. They will answer all your concerns. At this point, you should continue as instructed by your provider.
Luciano Stroia
1 UpVoted this answer David Westerberg, DDS Dentist, Redlands
Definitely a stitch can been seen. The other tissue is normal in appearance at this stage of healing. Don't be shy and go see your surgeon if you have any concerns. That is what you paid them for.
Don Ducasse
Dear patient,

I am glad to hear that the extraction of your wisdom teeth went well. Extraction of wisdom teeth is something that we perform regularly at our office. Based on your picture and symptom I think that your healing is going very well. It is completely normal to see swelling and tenderness the first few days after tooth extraction especially if it is a wisdom tooth extraction .
The area looks great! Tooth extraction sites often look funky during the healing process. Do not poke into the site because you may cause some damage. Keep up with your medications and mouth rinses. Make sure you go back for your follow up appointment. If you start to get any pain from the area, return sooner.
Pain is a major sign of a complication after teeth extractions and you mentioned that there is not more discomfort associated with the left wisdom tooth area compared to the other extraction sites. You may have favored chewing on your left side and there was more food impaction in the area of the lower left wisdom tooth. I would make sure to keep the areas of surgery clean and follow the instructions given by the oral surgeon.
You should make an appointment to have it looked at by the oral surgeon. What you don't want are more problems arising from this (which can happen). Until you can get in to see the oral surgeon, warm salt water rises can help keep food debris from getting down into the socket itself. Follow up with your oral surgeon ASAP.
if you have a concern make an appointment with your surgeon. i do not mind checking any post extraction healing. it gives me and the patient peace of mind.
Your Oral Surgeon has given you the right prescriptions and from what I can see on the picture everything is healing within normal limits. use of salt water few times a day also helps with healing. If further issues arises you may want to check with your Oral Surgeon for further evaluation. Best to you