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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Black spot on lip

My wife got a dark spot on her lip (see photo) about a month ago and it hasn't gone away. Was wondering what it could be and what could be done to get rid of it?
  • 30 years old
  • Complaint duration: 35 days
  • Ethnicity: Other Asian
  • Height: 68
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Conditions: None

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer
Nice photography. Was this area traumatized? May be pigmentation from the healing. Pigmentation can occur with the only concern being the appearance.

Was the area sore with an ulceration? A sore spot that comes on by itself is more of a concern.

I would consider seeing a oral surgeon specialist. These doctors see many more cases of pathology of the mouth than your typical family practice dentist.

You will also get options on how the spot can be eliminated for purposes of appearance.
2 UpVoted this answer
The condition might not be anything too serious but you need to consult with a dermatologist to determine the root cause and thus the treatment. Possible causes could range from expired lip stick to too much sun exposure.
J. Abe  Smith
2 UpVoted this answer
A more thorough history is necessary, was there any trauma involved? It does not appear to be anything significant, but follow and if it does not go away, an excisional biopsy could be done. Not a big deal, competent general dentist or oral surgeon could do it. Must rule out hemangioma or collection of blood vessels under the surface, if so then biopsy is more tricky. Referral to OS required.
1 UpVoted this answer
Hard to tell from the photograph, but any unusual spot that presents and doesn't heal should be examined and most biopsied for a definitive diagnosis.
1 UpVoted this answer
When a lesion doesn't heal in a normal time frame it should be biopsied, you should see an Oral Surgeon
1 UpVoted this answer
I agree with Dr. Bell. It may be a small traumatic lesion from constantly biting her lower lip, or it may be a serious lesion that should be removed and examined by an oral pathologist. She should quickly be seen to determine exactly what the cause and nature of this lesion may be.
Patrick T. Prendergast
1 UpVoted this answer
From photograph it is difficult to tell what is going on. I would consult a dermatologist or oral surgeon to determine what it is and best way to remove.
1 UpVoted this answer
Could be just a group of blood vessels from trauma but see a dermatologist to be sure
Melvin Elson
It looks as if there was trauma to the tissue. Does she bite her lip as a nervous habit? It will take time for an oral lesion to heal in the area of the lips if constant trauma occurs to that area. Does she get cold sores often in her mouth or surrounding tissues. Make a consultation with a oral health care provider. In the mean time, place chapstick or vaseline on the area to prevent it from get any worse.
It appears to be hyper-pigmentation. Is there any swelling involved? It could just be a freckle, but it is in an area of sun exposure, so it should be checked by a dermatologist.