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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

3d scuptra imaging for rhinoplasty

should one seek a dr who uses this technology for preciscion?

or go with one that uses photoshop?

isnt it better with 3d?
  • Male | 36 years old

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1 UpVoted this answer
Imaging for rhinopalsty can be a very informative and beneficial tool to help define realistic expectations, though it can also set unrealistic expectations.

There are multiple morphing technologies, though I have seen simple sketch paper and tablet technology work. 3D technology in plastic surgery can be cumbersome and sometimes unrealistic.

Choosing a plastic surgeon on morphing technology may not be the best criteria.
1 UpVoted this answer
Your choice of a rhinoplasty surgeon should not be based on imaging technology. Rather, it should be based on the skill and expertise of the rhinoplasty surgeon based on his preoperative and postoperative photograph, posted reviews and the number of rhinoplasties they have performed. It is imperative they are a board-certified plastic surgeon or a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and preferably a member of the

Rhinoplasty Society. Imaging can be helpful however it does not replace the skill and experience of an accomplished rhinoplasty surgeon. Best of luck in your endeavors.
1 UpVoted this answer
The number one priority for you choosing a doctor is most definately not the version or brand of technology one uses to get a clear idea of what you are seeking. Any technology that shows you a reasonable expectation of outcome is satisfactory. In fact, while this is a legitimate question from you, many companies "plant" questions like this to promote their products. You may have read this in a review or promotion but the far and away the most important priority for you is to find a surgeon has the skill, experience and artistic ability to achieve an excellent rhinoplasty result for you. Remember the general rule is that in any area of professional endeavor the service provider will not reach their maximum potential until they have spend 10,000 hours doing the task. This must be weighed against the loss of reflexes and skills beyond certain ages. This makes the experience "sweet spot" a surgeon that does between 2 and 10 rhinoplasty operations per week, is still doing this level and actively participates in education and personal professional development.

I suggest you ask these questions first and then if the surgeon meets these criteria, you can ask which of the many very capable imaging programs he or she uses to demonstrate what you would look like after surgery. A surgeon or artist could put you nose on your shoulder on a computer, that doesn't mean a surgeon could achieve that practically. Imaging is a communication tool and an excellent one, but that is all image morphing is, a communication tool.
1 UpVoted this answer

Both of them are fake.3D or photoshop has not information about nose anatomy.I don't believe them.Seek a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon who performed more than 1000 rhinoplasties.

Dr Farahvash
Mohammad R. Farahvash
All imaging comes with a disclaimer that actual results may vary. I would encourage you to spend more time interviewing the surgeon and making sure that he or she understands your goals and is confident that they can give you the results that you want than I would spend looking at imaging. The imaging can be useful to demonstrate some changes to the nose which may be difficult to conceptualize but for most patients a simple hand mirror will do. The imaging computer will not be doing your surgery, your surgeon will, so make sure you are comfortable with your surgeon's operating skills, not his imaging skills.
The only precision is with the knife and rasp and file. The imiging is all fake because it implies a false result

You are being taken by techno nonsense
James Apesos
I don't know of any modality that will give you an exact representation of what you're nose will look like following imaging. Whether the imaging is 3-D or 2-D really does not make a difference, and I don't know of anyone who would guarantee a result based on a computer image. I can copy and paste your eye and put it in the middle of your forehead with the computer but obviously that's not surgically possible. The purpose of the computer imaging is to give you a reasonable perception of what your nose may look like. This does not take into consideration how a patient heals or whether scar tissue forms or any potential complications. Post-operative patient compliance also plays a roll in the final result. I think the most important thing is to feel comfortable with the doctor who is taking care of you and if there are before and after pictures this is probably the best depiction of your doctors ability.
Basing your choice on this technology question will limit your ability to find a quality surgeon to help you.
As has already been mentioned, one of the most important considerations is the expertise and experience of the surgeon you choose. Whether or not 2D or 3D imaging is used is irrelevant. Having said that imaging is helpful when it comes to planning a rhinoplasty and getting an idea of what sort of result will look good and balanced on your face. This sort of planning can be done with either technology. It is also extremely important to accept that the imaging is just an 'estimate' of what can be done and not a guarantee of a result.
Dear Male Rhinoplasty patient:

Any 3D imaging manipulates 2D digital pixels to provide a likeness of an effect. The human body does not respond to pixels and there is no guarantee that the final likeness due to the nuances of skeletal structure, cartilage memory, muscle and soft tissue bulk, skin thickness, scaring and other issues will be similar.

Having said that, 3 D renderings helps a patient over the many decision hurdles and provides a level of immediate gratification for having seen his or her face on a stylized nose.

It is most important to see the style of nose a rhinoplasty expert considers reasonable. View his or her before and after photos. How many have they done? Open or closed. Board Certified or not. How many revision rhinoplasties of his own and others. I believe these are more important details in finding the best rhinoplasty surgeon for you.

All the best!