The Maas Clinic

Practicing since 1991

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  • Map
    From North Bay: Lombard Street to Webster right, parking garage at corner of Clay and Webster.
    From East Bay or 101 North: Follow signs 101 North, continue on Octavia Blvd, right on Fell, right on Webster to Clay Street
    From 280 Northbound: follow 19th Avenue/Presidio Blvd to California, right to Webster left to Clay.

I would always be a little concerned about a surgeon "demanding" to do a procedure. Our responsibility is to provide a diagnosis and explanation of the benefits, risks and alternatives to any procedure offered to address a given condition. In the case of enlarged turbinates, the patient would be experiencing nasal obstruction or difficulty breathing on one or both sides. Enlarged turbinates can been seen by a patient holding a mirror during an inside the nose exam or a picture can be taken using an endoscope. Xrays are of little or no value but a CT scan or MRI, both expensive studies, allows for clear visualization. I would suggest the surgeon take photos of the enlarged turbinates, show them to you and discuss the anatomy and procedure proposed to improve your breathing. I am assuming that this is being proposed while performing a rhinoplasty or "nose job" surgery to improve your breathing.

Corey S. Maas