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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

fungal infection

What can I do for a fungal infection and how do I prevent them
  • 24 years old
  • Medications: Metformin,Levothyroxin,Glipizide,Lisinoprel,

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being diabetic you are at incresed risk for fungal infections. Of course you need to control your sugar and avoid carbs and dairy. You should also avoid all fermented foods like alcohol,vinegar,yogurt etc. You can take antifungal supplements like caprylic acid,oil or oregano, olive leaf extract. And you can apply over the counter anti fungal creams like lotrimin
It all depends where fungal infection is located. If its skin, antifungal creams work well +/- steroid cream. If its toenail fungus, Lamisil work well. If its vaginal yeast infection, diabetic control is a must plus one dose of Diflucan. But to determine what treatment is necessary you should see your doctor.
Where's the infection?

Topical antifungals often work, but many take a long time. For Jock Itch or Athlete's Foot, OTC products (tolnaftate, terbinafine, clotrimazole, miconazole) are available in many forms. As for any topical skin products with active medication suspended in a "carrier," sprays are usually least effective as they stay in place most poorly (but many people find them much easier and faster to use so apply them more often). Ointments (carrier is Petroleum Jelly/Vaseline) stay on best and longest but are pretty messy. If you have a "yeast infection" in your mouth (thrush), NYSTATIN is frequently used as a swish and swallow. For vaginal yeast infections and difficult to treat thrush, a single-dose oral pill FLUCONAZOLE is available. For vaginal yeast infections without an Rx, MONOSTAT, VAGISIL, etc.

NOTE: You must be a type 2 diabetic - being on METFORMIN and GLIPIZIDE. Yeast infections in diabetics are very common as your body has a resistance to INSULIN and thus GLUCOSE has trouble getting out of your blood stream and into the other cells of your body. As a Type 2 Diabetic at age 22, the most important thing that you can do - to save your kidneys, limbs, eyes, and heart - is to lose weight. With a thyroid problem this is more difficult, but I'd imagine that you'd be a potential candidate for bariatric surgery and should ABSOLUTELY pursue this. I wish you luck, success, and perseverance. Don't give up on yourself.
You dont mention where the fungal infection is. Start with a yeast free diet. Anything you eat that says it has yeast, you dont eat. This includes hydrolyzed vegetable protein, any type of yeast food supplement like bakers yeast & others. Get off the sugar as well. Sugar feeds yeadt which equals fungus/fungal infections. If you have a sweet tooth go with one of the natural sweeteners like stevia. Add in olive leaf extract supplementsas well as Oregano Oil P73 will help as well. If you are serious about getting rid of the fungal infection and follow what I have stated, you should have some relief within 2-3 weeks. Good luck. Not easy to do but can be done a d you will feel better overall.
Hi there,

I'd honestly recommend you see your medical or Naturopathic physician for treatment. This will require more in depth discussion in order to offer you the best treatment options.

Dr Holewa, ND
In a nutshell- without having seen your fungal infection or knowing where it is. In general I would recommend cutting out sugar and all sugary things. Yeast (fungus) feeds on excess sugar. Bathe in baking soda and Epsom salts (2 cups of each) for minimum 20 minutes to 45.

dry off well and sleep naked! Hope this helps :)
Lisa Lipari
How you treat it depends on what type of fungal infection you have. Skin infections (say on your feet, under breasts, or in your groin) respond to topical antifungals such as Lamisil. Nail infections usually don't respond to topical treatments and usually need oral antifungal medications and/or nail removal. Some recurrent athlete's foot is actually due to a fungal nail infection that doesn't resolve and becomes an ongoing source of reinfection. In terms of prevention, make sure you are keeping your diabetes under good control as recurrent infections may be a sign of poor control. Don't rely entirely on drugs, make sure you improve your diet as much as possible. Your doctor or diabetic educator can give you good advice for this.
You have to eliminate it at the root, i.e. the blood supply. Candida overgrowth starts in the gut and penetrates the gut walls to enter into the bloodstream. It is not easy to eliminate. Yes, diet helps, but will not kill it. Sugar, dairy and white flour increases yeast overgrowth.

Every three to four months, your body makes a new blood supply, you have to detox the blood with Candida Clear. Drink lots of high quality Pau d'Arco tea (yeast cannot live in that environment), take probiotic eleven, and balance pH. Yeast also thrives in an acid pH. Stay on a program at least 4 months for things to turn around permanently. I notice you are on a thyroid medication. People with low thyroid have lowered immunity and thus are more prone to fungal infections as well. You might ask your doctor for Nature-throid instead of Levothyroixin. It would also be good for the diabetes.

No sugars

No dairies

But DO take Valium and vitamin D supplement and DO drink lots of water

No wheat or gluten

No caffein

No chocolate

No alcohol of any kind
Don Ha
Absolutely NO SUGARS



Don Ha