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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Should I see a doctor for rabies?

A neighbor's dog got into a scuffle with my dog. And in trying to seperate them, I got a small puncture in my hand from one of the dogs. It happened so quickly, that I'm not sure which dog caused it. My dog is up-to-date in all shots. I haven't had a chance to ask my neighbor if his dog is up-to-date in all shots as well.

Should I still go see a doctor out of precaution OR is there anything I should look out for before determining the need to see a doctor?
  • Male | 38 years old
  • Complaint duration: 1 day

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Rabies is rare in domesticated animals. Most rabies is from wild animals. You should check with your neighbor if his dog is up to date on immunizations. If he is uncooperative you should notify the local animal control service and they will check for you. Most dog bites do not get infected. Keep a close eye on it. Wash it frequently. If it starts to get red, painful or swollen go see a doctor.
Watch for infection. Rabies is EXCEEDINGLY rare, but does still occur. Dog/cat bites are NOTORIOUS for causing infections and abscesses. Skin redness, warmth, streaking red lines up hand/wrist/arm, pus drainage, increasing pain, fever. GO TO A PHYSICIAN! I hope you washed the He&& out of the wound because even very small bites can get infected easily. Apply a thin film of BACITRACIN or NEOSPORIN 2-3 times a day under a bandaid at the least. And DON'T deny symptoms of infection - once you notice it, it is NOT likely to get better no matter how hard you think about it and how long you wait.
First of all, ask the owner if the dog is up to date with rabies. If yes, no need for rabies shots. Second of all, you still need to see your PCP for tetanus vaccine update as well as evaluation for possible infection that you could have acquired from the bite, as dogs have a lot of bacterias in their mouth. Good luck!
no. Th e incidence of rabies is almost nonexistant at this time
joseph bartush
See your doctor for evaluation of infection, Tetanus booster, and rabies treatment evaluation. Like below the doctor will treat you if there is any doubt. Good Luck & Healthy Living!
As below, see your doctor. Even if both dogs are up to date on their shots, they still have bacteria in their mouths that can be transmitted through a bite. With rabies, if there is any doubt, treat. If your neighbor's dog isn't vaccinated, you should be given the rabies series.
I would see your Doctor:

Check on your Td vaccine

You may need antibiotics for the puncture wound -

Check in status of neigbors' dogs immunization - today if not UTD you may need a rabies series

With rabies once the symptoms begin - there is usually no therapy .