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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

At what point should you get rid of a benign fatty tumor?

I have a benign fatty tumor that is not bothering me and is covered by my hair but I don't like having it. Should i get rid of it? What would that procedure be? its on my head and I have head pain sometimes. Could this cause it to be giving me any pain at all?
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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3 UpVoted this answer
If it isn't bothering you, there is no real need to get rid of it. But these tend to grow over time, and it's usually easier to take them out before they get very large (shorter scar, easier recovery).

Usually, the area can be numbed in the office for removal without the need for general anesthesia, and the recovery is a week or two. It will likely be covered by insurance.
Dana M. Goldberg
1 UpVoted this answer
Scalp masses can be lipomas or fatty tumors, or epidermal inclusion cysts. Both are benign but can grow and get infected or cause pain. Removing them in this area is an easy in-office procedure, but allowing them to grow, may make it more difficult.
1 UpVoted this answer
Most tumor-like nodules on the head are cysts from hair follicles, not fatty tumors[lipomas]. Any nodule of significant size can contribute to or cause pain by compressing adjacent structures and nerves. Cysts can leak and cause adjacent tender inflammation. As a rule lesions that are growing, tender , or more than 2 inches in diameter should be evaluated and you should strongly consider removing them. Most can be done in the office under local anesthesia. Lastly, the only way you can know this lesion is truly benign is to biopsy it.
Alan Semion
Fatty tumors usually get larger with time and rarely get smaller. As the tumors get larger they can become uncomfortable or unsightly which is when many patients decide to have them removed. I tell most patients that if something bothers them only once or twice a month they may not be ready to have it treated. However, if something bothers them every day or every week then they are probably getting to the point where doing something about it will be worth it for them.
even knowing that is benign it will continue growing up and is better to not let it get to the point where it will hard to remove it in can be painful mdue to the scar will be bigger.
Mario Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda
What you are describing is a lipoma, a benigh fatty tumor. If it is asymptomatic and not causing you any pain or discomfort then you don't need to have it removed.

However, you have described two reasons that you want it removed: you "don't like having it" and you "have head pain sometimes" that you think may be caused by your lipoma. Generally lipomas don't cause pain but if you lie on your head on the lipoma, this may be uncomfortable.

So, if you don't mind the lipoma, there is nothing that is dangerous to your health in living with it. If you dislike it, you can have it removed in what is usually an easy outpatient procedure.
Gilad Segev
A Lipoma is a benign fatty tumor that should be removed when it becomes symptomatic and is painful. Very large tumors that are cosmetically displeasing can be removed but keep in mind you are trading a lump for a scar. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia with IV sedation if necessary.
Steven M. Stoller
They can be removed any time, the smaller they are the less involved the surgery is. I do it usually under local anesthesia in my office. Recovery is fast and pain is minimal. Usually they cause no pain.
Benign fatty tumors or lipomas are generally removed for symptoms which you describe. They are generally symptomatic because of location. For example if you lay on it when you lay down it can be very bothersome. Removal is generally a simple out patient procedure
If it is not growing and doesn't bother you I would leave it.
Mary Brady