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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Have you used Embrace Scar Therapy for a Tummy Tuck Scar?

I want a tummy tuck yet- but am horrified of the scar- I saw a plastic surgeon who showed me amazing photos of his patients that used "Embrace" Advanced scar therapy-

they were really impressive photos- have you used it? whats your experience with it? Do you use it? does it work? Cost seems similar to IPL or laser treatments 4 scars, so makes sense to pay the same amount $ to ACTUALLY prevent the scar from forming- IF IT WORKS!
  • Female | 45 years old
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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3 UpVoted this answer
The Embrace scar therapy should help.

Please don't waste your money on IPL treatments as they are not very effective in reducing scars.

Make sure to avoid smoking and all forms of nicotine and to take good care of the wound. Your doctor can help give you suggestions in this regard and make sure to go to your follow up appts. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Gilad Segev
3 UpVoted this answer
Yes, we use Embrace Scar Therapy for tummy tucks as well as breast surgery often and suggest it for the vast majority of our patients. The science is indeed very solid and it work far better than massage and steroid creams that are often recommended. To be complete see the below link to see all of your options:
Larry S. Nichter
3 UpVoted this answer
I have used the Embrace scar therapy very successfully on abdominoplasty and brachioplasty (arm lift) patients with great success, as long as their skin tolerates the adhesive. The mechanism appears to be offloading the tension on the wound, which in turn allows the collagen formation and maturation to proceed more rapidly. As a result, the scars appear lighter, more narrow and feel more pliable, quicker, on the order of 8 weeks, after application. The device is applied 2 weeks, post-op, as soon as the suture line is clean and dry, without fluid or exudate. Patients can bathe and follow their normal routines. We are always available to field questions. Removal is expedited with the use of baby oil. Patients generally feel more secure with the device in place. I generally inform the patient of the cost/device and allow them to opt in/opt out. For the individuals who don't tolerate the adhesive, we use Cutera XL to improve the pinkness and scar quality.
Lavinia K. Chong
2 UpVoted this answer
Scar care for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) incisions starts with operative planning and operative technique which includes proper skin tension and closure methods. Progressive tension sutures and deep fascial sutures help to unload the skin tension as well as preserving vascularity in the abdominal flap dissection all help to promote proper skin healing in body contouring with plastic surgery. Embrace helps to hydrate incision and decrease biomechanical forces on the scar. It works though it can be cumbersome to use with some patients. Some element of scar care combined with proper abdominoplasty technique can be very effective a negate the need for light and laser therapy.
2 UpVoted this answer
Yes, we use Embrace Scar Therapy often and suggest it for the vast majority of our patients. The science is indeed very solid and it work far better than massage and steroid creams that are often recommended. To be complete see the below link to see all of your options:
Larry S. Nichter
2 UpVoted this answer
Embrace basically relieves tension on the incision allowing it to heal better. It does not prevent scar formation itself. That said, a number of methods are available to "relieve" scar tension during the healing period, primary being excellent wound closure by the surgeon as well as steristrips. Silicone products also improve healing. Ultimately, time is what heals all wounds. While I'm sure Embrace is a terrific product, I'm not sure the cost is worth it, given that many factors go into the healing process, and Embrace does not guarantee healing.
Arnold Almonte
2 UpVoted this answer
Embrace is a treatment for surgical incisions that relieves tension across the surgical incision to allow an ideal scar to form. It does not prevent scar formation, but creates an ideal environment (reduced tension across the surgical incision) for scar formation. Although the treatment may aid a patient to achieve an ideal scar, it is not the only factor in how the scars mature. As a routine part of any surgery, I use surgical techniques of closure that alleviate tension across the incision, as well as non-invasive laser treatments and topical anti-scarring products on the surgical incisions to aid in ideal scar formation. Embrace appears to be a good tool, but its use does not guarantee a perfect scar.
1 UpVoted this answer
My experience is that it is superior to silicone scar gels or sheeting and I both use it in the office and recommend it to all of my Tummy Tuck Patients.

Here is some more information regarding best scar management practices:

Scar Management tips:

1.Minimize tension on the scar. Steri-Strips and/or surgical tape are often placed in non-hair bearing areas at the time of surgery to minimize tension and keep pressure over the scar. This minimizes the stress that can pull the scar apart (dehiscence) creating a wound and delaying healing time, and can make the scar wider, or more “ropy”. In the first few weeks after surgery, I recommend the use of Embrace Scar Therapy which is an adherent silicone sheeting pre-stretched when applied so as to offload tension on the scar.

2.Keep your incision site/scar clean to prevent infection. Follow your surgeon’s wound care instructions to the letter with out modification. Never apply different products then recommended without first discussing them with your surgeon. This is especially important during the first few weeks. If there are any signs of infection, contact your surgeon’s office right away and/or see your doctor or his nurse immediately. Typical signs of infection may include redness outside the immediate incision site, asymmetric swelling, and drainage, of pus, fever, chills, and “feeling sick”.

3.Protect your scars from the sun. Staying out of the sun is the best advice. Minimal exposure to sunlight is prevents hyperpigmentation (permanently turning brown) and other problems that can make the scar more noticeable. Sunscreen, at least 30 SPF and an overlying make camouflage make up additionally protects the scar from the suns harmful rays. This advice is especially important the first year following your surgery.

4.Use specific scar maturation products recommended by your surgeon. Patients seem to have their own opinions on this touting everything from Pure Vit E, Coco butter, to Aloe Vera, etc but most have minimal benefit other than keeping the scar hydrated. Although hydration is important there are better, scientifically studied products with greater efficacy. Most of the scientific articles written about this subject indicate that topical silicone gel or silicone sheets work the best. The best product available in my opinion is the Embrace Scar Therapy System by Neodyne BioSciences, Inc. available in many surgeons’ offices. Essentially this is an adherent silicone sheeting pre-stretched when applied so as to offload tension on the scar. For areas that are not applicable for this product (e.g. smaller areas or on the face), I prefer BioCorneum or Kelo-Cote products There are a lot of products to choose from, but silicone should be one of the key ingredients. Although Mederma, an onion extract derivative active ingredient rather than mainly silicone based may help, primarily silicone based products are better and many also contain other ingredients that may be synergistic (hydrocortisone or other steroid, Vitamin E, Sunscreen, etc).. If the reader has problems obtaining these they can call my office. Patient compliance is also critical – use often and according to directions or it will not work optimally. NEVER apply products without first discussing them with your surgeon.

5.Monitor to make sure your scar is progressing optimally. Keep your scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to verify that your scars are maturing as expected. Occasionally if indicated you may need a topical steroid preparation or even a series of injections (5-FU and/or Steroids) or laser treatments to treat or prevent scar hypertrophy or keloid formation (red raised scars), or other topical medicines to treat post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (brown scars) with prescription creams and possible laser treatments.

See this link for more information:
1 UpVoted this answer
Never used it. Multiple scar management techniques will help with scar maturation-remodeling providing that they are used for 6 months at least. However, the most important issue is selection of adequate tummy tuck procedure, scar placement, and surgical wound closure. These are best managed by an experienced plastic surgeon.
Zoran Potparic
1 UpVoted this answer
Yes I have used it. I was part of the original trial by Neodyne, and I was one of their highest enrolling investigators.

I think it is good. Scar care is very important for all surgeries, but particularly for tummy tucks. Without meeting you and seeing your skin I cannot advise more.
Lauren Greenberg