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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

gum blackness

how can my gum get pink again
  • Female | 24 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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3 UpVoted this answer
There are many reasons the gum can turn dark. The good news is it can be lighten again very easily. One of the ways is using a dental laser. In experienced hands it can be of a great help to you.
Michael Ayzin
1 UpVoted this answer Justin A. Panella, DMD Dentist, Vineland
"Black gumness" is likely not a problem per say...gum color can vary like skin color. A gum specialist (periodontist) can be consulted first to rule out any potential true problems and maybe also can offer you solutions that do exist for "lightening" gums that are perceived to be too dark.
1 UpVoted this answer Justin A. Panella, DMD Dentist, Vineland
This could be from the build up of tartar or calculus on your gum creating the dark color.

The gum could be stained form a silver filling. see your dentist to determine the cause and recommended treatment.
Albert Klitzke
1 UpVoted this answer Justin A. Panella, DMD Dentist, Vineland
The best thing to do is call and make an appointment for an evaluation.
1 UpVoted this answer Justin A. Panella, DMD Dentist, Vineland
As most other colleagues have already stated, there are a number of caused for black gums. It could be calculus (tartar) under the gums that has become black with stain, could be an amalgam tattoo, or racial pigmentation. If the gums were always pink and now that they're not, that could be cause for concern. I would recommend seeing a dentist to have it checked out. Most likely, the dentist will be able to diagnose the cause almost immediately.
Justin Dugas
It could be calculus (tartar) under the gums that has become black with stain, could be an amalgam tattoo, or racial pigmentation. Make an appointment for an evaluation.
Melanin pigment or Amalgam Tattoo are the first two and most commonly reasons for "gum blackness". Next would be tartar under the tissue.

See your dentist soon and you will have your answer and know if the tissue can be turned pink.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
variety of factors can contribute to this "color change" . dental restorations containing amalgam, or crowns, inlays and inlays containing certain alloys. periodontal disease with an inflammatory nature. once the etiology is determined then options for need of interference can be considered.
Sounds like you were pleased with the color of your gums at some point, if its around one tooth , did that tooth have a crown recently. Sometimes you can have reactions to metals that are used in some dental alloys. If this condition seems to be all over then it could be a different medical condition from rare reactions to medicines to bleeding disorders. An oral surgeon or periodontist could be the best choice but it might be fine to see your general dentist.
There are several different reasons your gums could become "blackened". Treatment options, if possible, depend on what the cause is. Your first step should be to visit your dentist to find out what is causing it. then he can talk about your options.

Best of luck.

-Dr. Todd