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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Gums and roof of mouth

Chipped back tooth and have canker sore looking sore above chipped tooth
  • Male | 41 years old
  • Medications: Suboxine
  • Conditions: No

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer
I am not exactly sure what your question is... but I will do my best to answer this for you.

Anytime a tooth is cracked or broken either through trauma or from a decaying process of the tooth a dental visit should be made for evaluation and treatment. The sore may be from the same trauma that caused the tooth to break or it may be an infection tract coming through the gums caused by a decaying tooth and nerve. This can be seen and diagnosed easily from a clinical exam and a "periapical" radiograph - Xray - of the tooth.

Please go see your dentist as an emergency visit ASAP!


Dr. Steven Davidowitz
1 UpVoted this answer
This sounds like a broken tooth which has sharp edges rubbing the opposing side made your gum get a sore spot, should get better a few days after you get rid of the sharp jagged edges. Sorry but you have to see your dentist.
1 UpVoted this answer
You could have "canker" sore as a result of rubbing against the chipped tooth. It is also possible that the chip is deep and the nerve/pulp of the tooth has died. This can result in a draining abscess that will often appear above the affected tooth.
Timothy Agapas
1 UpVoted this answer Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS, DDS Dentist, Greenfield
What are you waiting for. See your Dentist ASAP to determine the best way to fix your damaged tooth and your soft tissue lesion. What you are calling a "canker sore" may be something else entirely. Delay in seeking treatment may turn an easily managed problem into an extensive/expensive scenario. Call your Dentist now.
Arnold J. Malerman
1 UpVoted this answer
It's hard to tell without a photo and/or x-ray, but it sounds like there's a good chance you have an infection. What is probably happening is that your tooth was decayed (which weakened it, causing the breakage) and the bacteria have reached the center of your tooth where the nerve is housed. The bacteria populate the inside of your tooth and eventually start to move down and out through the ends of the roots and into your tissues. From there they follow they can eventually work their way through your tissues and out into your mouth. What looks like a canker sore is mostly likely an abscess draining into your mouth. You should see a dentist as soon as possible for care. It's possible that your tooth will be salvageable with a root canal, or you may need to have it extracted, but either way you shouldn't leave it as-is because the infection can continue to grow and affect your general health. That being said, please DO NOT take any "leftover" antibiotics that you or your family have at home as they may not be an appropriate prescription or dose for your situation and could potentially lead to very dangerous consequences. Make an appointment ASAP.
No questions, your dentist is the place to be. Call and Git-R-Done. : )
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
An infection probably resulted from the chipped tooth. The infection should be treated and the tooth properly assessed. Consultation is free in my practice. Please free to visit if you are in my area.
J. Abe  Smith
The description you offered is most likely consistent with an abscessed tooth that has progressed to forming a fistula. As an infection continues to enlarge, it will exert pressure on the neighboring tissues in an effort to release some of that pressure, resulting in a fistula. Probably wise to seek an expert dental professional for a thorough clinical and radiographic exam.
James Sunwoo
Sounds like you have an abscess that is draining. The tooth will probably need a root canal.
Mike Huggins
You either have a canker sore which will go away/ heals within 10 days. If that sore spot does not go away or it comes and goes, then you may have an abscess drainage area which will likely need a root canal treatment. So, to ease your concern, you should have a dental exam and x-ray of the area to determine the appropriate treatment options.