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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


what does it mean when you have pain lower stomach when your pregnant?
  • Female | 20 years old
  • Medications: Antibiotics
  • Conditions: No

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It can be though of in two ways. Pregnancy related abdominal pain and non-pregnancy related abdominal pain. Acid reflux is quite common in pregnancy, so that is always a possibility. Gallbladder inflammation and appendicitis can be another cause. OB/GYN causes can include uterine fibroid degeneration, ovarian torsion, and ovarian cysts. Non invasive testing can include a ultrasound to evaluate for some of the above mentioned causes and the status of the baby. Ultimately an initial obgyn visit is a mus for initial evaluation, I hope this helps.
Check your urine for UTI. could be uterine cramping. please visit your OB doc.
Robby T. Ayoub
It could be a number if things, from normal uterine cramping to urinary tract infection or impending miscarriage. It's better you to see your GYN than to guess.
This needs further questions and evaluation. Description of the pain? exact location of the pain? how long the pain has been in that location? Does it move? Any Bleeding? etc.

As you can see there is more information needed before answering your question. Consider that you are also taking antibiotics likely in the penicillin family which could cause upset stomach. Lower abdominal (stomach) pain could mean different things depending on how long you have been pregnant. But definitely getting a OB/GYN or Family Doctor would be in your best interest (as well as your baby). Good Luck
First, I am not trained in obstetrics. But I have worked in ER settings, so can guide you this far.

1) Call your Obstetrics doctor.

2) If you don't have Obstetrics doctor, find one.

3) If you can't find one, see a family doctor or ER doctor.

(especially if bleeding, fever, difficulty eating/drinking fluids)
Eric Potter