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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Height Prediction

Hi. I'm a 15 year old female with a height of 5'1.5. I just wanted to know when you think I would stop growing and what height I will be when I'm done growing.
  • Female | 21 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: Haven't grown in 1 year

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1 UpVoted this answer
Height is ultimately a combination of genetics and nutrition. There are two methods to predict height. The first, is thru the parents height.

For girls: subtract 13 cm from the father's height and average with the mother's height.

For boys: add 13 cm to the mother's height and average with the father's height.

13 cm is the average difference in height of women and men. The second method is extrapolating height from a growth chart. Most people stop growing after puberty, between 16 to 18 yo.
1 UpVoted this answer
The closure (complete change from cartilage to bone) of the epiphyseal plates in the long bones is the end of any chance of height increase. This can occur any time between the age of 15 up to age 20 or so (on average). It is genetic and based on the ratio of male to female hormones, the timing of puberty and which genes are inherited from both parents. It can't be predicted accurately and it IS possible to resume more rapid growth after a prolonged period of slow growth because other health issues, medications, etc. can stall that growth for a time.
Devon Smith
I noticed that first you say you are 15, but then you say you are 21, so I will address that together. Most people stop growing by the age of 18, but not all. You could be that exception. A lot of the height has to do with genetics. I grew an extra inch taller when I turned 25. That was considered unusual, but it does occasionally happen. After 25, not so much. Embrace your height at where you are and feel proud about it.
Human body growth completes by age 18. And you need to know your parents height to approximate yours. You still have some time to grow.
The general rule for girls is; girls usually stop growing approximaly 2 years after the onset of your there menstrual cycle. So, if you started having your menstrual cycle at age 13 you usually stop by 15 or 15 1/2. Hope that helps. Boys stop generally by 18 years of age.
Santos Martinez, Jr.
I assume you are asking because you would like to be taller. Yes, it may be possible for you to have a positive influence on your continued growth. A Naturopath of Acupuncturist may be able to help. Meanwhile I suggest that you eat a very healthy diet of organic proteins, lots of fresh vegetables, and healthy fats like organic butter and olive and coconut oil. Avoid all white flour products and sugar. Your body needs good nutrition to help your complete development.
First it would be good to know if you are 15 or 21 "at the time of entry"--

If you are 21, I would call it a are done growing;

If you are indeed 15, I would "almost" call it a night. In general, the epiphyseal growth plates close on average in your 16th year and clinically speaking, it is rare to see any appreciable growth after this age--

I would advise you to look at your parents to get an idea of how much more you will grow. My guess is that if you are 15, you will not grow taller than 5'3"--and that you have about a year left on average to add an inch or so. Good luck!
There are several components to the answer including how tall your parents are, how tall your siblings are and when you started your period.
Lynn Joffe
There's no perfect answer but a lot depends on how when you started having your periods and how long they have been going on.. Girls who start having periods at 10 years old gain an average of 4 inches over the next few years and girls who do not have their period until age 15 gain an additional two inches on average. If you've been having periods for a few years, you are probably done growing. If you've just started having your period, you probably have a couple more inches to grow yet.
Hey there, it is difficult to say with certainty at what age females stop growing, it can vary a lot from person to person. Bone building for women usually stops around age 30, although, height often stops increasing in the teens to 20's.
Juli Mazi