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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Felling a burning or hot sensation in my throat

I'm not sure what is going on but I have been feeling a hot sensation in my throat for months now, I went to see a doctor about some chest pains a few months ago and they told me that the throat pains could be linked with heart burn and chest pains that I have been having. but the throat pain is occurring without the heart burn and chest pain what should I do?
  • Complaint duration: 30 days
  • Medications: no
  • Conditions: none

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This may sound like I am not concerned or just want to give a quick reply. This is not the case. However, since you are currently not one of my patients and since you have already seen another doctor (which I respect and encourage), I believe you should go back to that doctor.

Here are some things to do BEFORE going back

1.) Keep a food diary - write down everything you eat. Then if you have one of those episodes you talk of, write it down next to the food you ate closest to the time you had an episode. Keeping a journal is necessary as that lets your doctor see your eating habits. Sometime the food we eat can affect us up to 3 days later.

2.) Keep an episode journal. Every time you have the pain you described, log the time and intensity of the pain.

Bring both of these to your doctor. This way your doctor can have a better picture of episode frequency and such. Lastly, make sure your doctor knows that you are having the throat pain without the heart burn. In order to know how to help, there would need to be a definite diagnosis of some kind.

I hope this helps at least some :-)
Also; when you do discover it's hertburn (or GERD) DON"T FORGET TO PURSUE TREATMENT AND AVOID MEDICATIONS LIKE PRILOSEC. If you need them; they should be used for 1 week only always with pro-biotics. However the treatment is mostly lifestyle related; and you should actively pursue them to avoid furtherr complications (such as asthma).
Manish Varma
Have you tried anything for heartburn? I recommend the highest dose of prilosec; for 1 week only and with pro-biotics (which you can take indefinitely). You will know if it's heartburn or not by the end of the week. most likely after the second or third day of taking the medications. Good luck!
Manish Varma
I think you are dealing with gastro-esophageal reflux diseases (GERD). The normal gastric acidity may not give you heartburn. But when it trickles up the esophagus to the throat, it kind of burns the throat, giving you the heat sensation. So I would have you sleep on your left side, propping up your head with a pillow for about a week, to see how it affects the heat sensation in your throat. Where that makes no difference, you should see an END specialist.
Try drinking much Aloe Vera Juice daily to ease your digestive concerns...with much prayer...and GOD Bless...Amen?!!!
I understand your throat feels like it is burning. Sometimes there is post nasal drip without sinus congestion. This can cause irritation to the throat, and no, it is not associated with heart burn. White Oak Bark tea is an excellent remedy for the mucosal membranes of the mouth. It comes in liquid tincture or capsules, and often in bulk. You need to make a tea: boil water and put a dropper full in the water to brew, or open the capsule and allow the hot water to absorb the herb; this is also called an infusion. Then you sip on the White Oak Bark tea throughout the day. I would also follow the ND recommendation to sip on coconut milk, which has antimicrobial properties.

Next, I would check for a hernia in the diaphragm, called a Hiatal Hernia. A chiropractor with some experience may be able to manipulate the stomach which has gotten caught up inside the hiatus, the opening in the diaphragm. This could have been caused by an emotional upset, but the digestive fluids creap up into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation. Follow the remedies, get checked for a hernia, and please, don't let anyone put you under a knife. Nothing is terribly wrong, your body is just giving you some warning signs that you need to listen to. Yours in Health Naturally,

Doc Wah
Wanona Wellspring Ceisel
Your question is what you should do. I did not see any one suggesting you anything for you to follow except suggesting different tests. In Nature Cure system which I follow, we do not diagnose a disease, We do not even try to cure a disease. We focus on som,ply improving the health of the seeker and we have always found that all disease symptoms vanish in the process of improving health through natural means.

Here is what you should do. Take 3 days to start the full treatment. The treatment consists of taking only tender coconut water for a whole week any number of times and any quantity. The only rule is to sip it in small quantity each time, hold it in your mouth for some time to warm it up and then swallow. As many times in a day, try to expose maximum part of your bare body to direct sunlight moderating it with coming out of sunlight when the body is experiencing heat ever slightly. Tender coconut water has protein, fat, carbohydrate, essential mineral salts, micro nutrients, vitamins, and electrolytes . It has every thing the body needs and one will never become weak by taking only this as food. The reason for me to suggest this treatment is that food is your medicine and best food is best medicine.

Do some deep breathing exercise every day.
Arun Sharma
an ultra sound of thyroid along with blood test, and an endoscopy could rule out a more serious issue(s) than just possibly been masked by antacid type medications or OTC products.

You may be experiencing Gerd or acid reflux. Marshmallow root or licorice root would alleviate some of the symptoms. Regarding the throat pain, senna or slippery elm should provide relief. Please consult with a Otolaryngologist (ENT specialist) just to make sure that your symptoms are not indicative of a more serious condition.
Margaret Bailey
You don't always feel like you have heartburn and it can still exist. You might try drinking a high quality Aloe Vera Juice (high quality will have the seal of the Australian Aloe Council). If you find relief, it probably is heartburn.