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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Constant headache and dizziness

Ive had a headache for about a week now and it hasn't gone away. It gets really bad when O do physical activities. The last two days I have also experienced dizziness when standing or walking. I'm conceded that it could be serious. What could it be?
  • Male | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 7 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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1 UpVoted this answer
Constant headache and dizziness at your age, which is especially made worse by vigorous activity suggestive hypoglycemic headache. It appears similar to the headache some people experience when they feel dizzy and hungry. If you are currently on treatment for juvenile diabetes, it might be necessary to adjust your dosage downward. Otherwise it might be necessary to screen you for glycogen storage disorders, which make it difficult for a person's liver to store glucose adequately or release it appropriately during vigorous activities.
1 UpVoted this answer
you need to be evaluated by your family physician, but for the record, migraines are one of the leading causes of dizziness, more then 25% of the 20 million people in the US who suffer from migraine experience dizziness and vision problem even sometime true vertigo ( a feeling that the room is spinning spinning ), stress and anxiety make things worse also alcohol, smoking and chocolate

your phusician will implement life style modification and some medication both preventive and abortive medication to help reduce the frequency and the severety of migraine and dizziness, but it is really your life style modification that will help the most.

See you Doctor and good luck
Bassam Yassine
1 UpVoted this answer
sounds like cardiovascular and or Special senses (auditory (ear)). After Checking with Cardiologist and ENT, make sure to visit local chiropractor because the nervous system greatly influences the 2 aforementioned body systems.

We have seen tremendous results with patients with your symptoms so please do not overlook Chiropractic as part of your regiment.
1 UpVoted this answer
It could be a lot of things, but I will review the most common. High blood pressure is certainly one of the top choices. Sinusitis , electrolyte imbalances , high glucose levels. but a brain tumor, I would recommend that you go in and get. Evaluated fully .
Norma Cavazos
1 UpVoted this answer
Without knowing your health history I agree that a visit to your primary care provider is a wise option. Headaches in general can be a warning sign of several different medical conditions. However something as simple as mild dehydration can cause headaches as well as dizzyness. Sleep deprivation and stress can also cause similar symptoms. Best wishes!
Jody Stubler
1 UpVoted this answer
A headache that continues for days suggests something other than common headache. The range of possible causes is large, and could include something simple and benign such as a sinus headache to something as ominous as an aneurism of the brain. While you should not be alarmed, you do need to present yourself to a physician who sees patients complaining of headaches, such as your family doctor or a neurologist. You should not delay proper evaluation any longer. Good luck!
John G. Van Derwood
1 UpVoted this answer
There are a number of conditions that can cause HA such as migraine, sinus infections, tension HAs. With the dizziness this may be an inner ear problem. You need to see a physician and be examined to correctly diagnose your symptoms and treat the underlying condition. If you are in the New Tampa or Wesley Chapel area of Florida, we would be happy to see you.

Thanks for your question,

Randy M. Kiriluk, MD
Please see your PCP as soon as possible. This could be as a result of various health conditions. Prompt very important. I wish you goo luck .
That is frustrating. It's unlikely to be serious, but I would talk to your doctor to be sure.
rapid CT of brain takes only a few minutes and would eliminate almost any serious headache causation
David Resneck-Sannes