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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

My mom might have cancer.

My mom about a week or two ago, started getting these tender lumps on her neck right below the ear. She tells me that it is very painful for her to turn her head. She is forming them on her scalp behind her head and underneath her jaw on her neck. I am very worried. Is it infection or cancer?
  • Female | 19 years old
  • Complaint duration: 20 days
  • Medications: Pain killers, ibuprofen
  • Conditions: No

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Today Clinic - OKC West Family Medicine, Oklahoma City
Wow, the thought of your mom having cancer must be terrifying. But, I think you can relax. This does not sound like cancer. Infection is a possibility. She should see her doctor, and you should give her a big hug and tell her everyday how much she means to you!

Best of luck!

PS. Please be careful with pain killers. They can be a deadly trap for many people.
1 UpVoted this answer
It sounds more like infection than cancer, but a fine needle aspiration of one or more of these tender lumps would be simple and answer the question definitively.
Stan G. Eilers
It would be very unlikely that cancer would come up that quickly and in more than one lymph node. It's some sort of immunological reaction there could be infection associated with it but cancer doubtful. If the notes don't go away they should be evaluated as typically
Raymond Rowell
That is such a relief. Thanks for the update. Happy holidays to you too!
It is most likely infection.
Lei Liu
It could also be erythema nodosum, a tender skin condition associated with problems in the immune system. But the only way to know is to get a skin biopsy of one of the sites. The biopsy sample should be sent for cytology / histology as well as bacterial / viral culture, cell count, and peripheral smear, in addition to any other test that the surgeon or dermatologist (performing the biopsy) would think of.
Saptarshi Bandyopadhyay
The most possibility is infection, however, pathology is the final decision.
Zhen Wang
My mistake, it does 'not' involve with shingles.
Thank you to all of you! We just found out yesterday that it was shingles but there is one lump that does involve with shingles. She has to go back to the doctors office in two weeks to get it checked out. Hopefully it's nothing serious! Happy Holidays!
See a doctor for the proper diagnosis and possible drainage with antibiotics. Also find out why she is on pain killers and explore ways to stay safe regarding them.