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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Swelling 5 days after filling

I recently got my cavities filled (5 days ago), upper first premolar, and ever since then, whenever i eat something, the gums around the tooth become swollen and painful, what is causing this, and what should I do?
  • Male | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 5 days
  • Conditions: High Blood Pressure

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6 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
Probably an issue with the contact. If there is no resistance to floss, then the contact is broken and should be fixed ASAP.
Louis B. Sachs
5 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
You should contact your dental office and let them know so they can diagnose what is happening. It could be something minor like a space between the tooth that was filled and the adjacent tooth, allowing food to get stuck between the teeth and irritating your gums. If this is the case, the filling can be modified and the gums will heal. However, it may be a gum or tooth infection that needs to be treated immediately.
5 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
It sounds as if you are packing food in the area around the tooth where the filling was done. Most likely there is a gap in between the filling and the adjacent tooth. You may need to have the filling modified to fix the gap. However, you should have your dentist look at the tooth so they can rule out anything more serious.
4 UpVoted this answer
You may be getting food impaction. You need to contact you dentist and go in for an evaluation
4 UpVoted this answer
You have several possible issues。 some hypertension drugs can cause gingival swelling and discomfort. You can also have a filling that is overcontoured and traps food. I would go back to the dentist for another exam post operative. Check tooth vitality, Take new xrays and discuss the evidence after the exam. There are too many possible causes. Without a thorough exam getting advice off the web is NOT the recommended course to solve your tooth/gum pain.
Jason M. Gee
2 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
You need to return to your denist for an evaluation. It sounds like you have an open contact that allows for food that be trapped. If not corrected, this can lead to periodontal problems.
2 UpVoted this answer
That is not an expected post op side effect of the procedure. My recommodation is to check with your dentist.
1 UpVoted this answer
Most likely causes :

1) Lack of contact with the adjacent tooth.

2) Excessive contouring of the restoration (the filling) resulting in loss of height of contour. In other words, a 'flattened' filling. The height of contour is a design that allows food to spill away from the gum line when you eat.

Stop by if you are in the area for a complimentary evaluation. Peter Merai, DDS, FAGD.
1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
Please check with your Dentist ASAP. This could be numerous things such as infection in the gums or inside the tooth or it could be cracked or the bite might need to be adjusted. Usually in a situation like these, it will get worse, and not better, until is gets addresses. I hope this helps.
1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
There are several possibilities that would cause this problem. It could be an abscessed tooth or a gap between the teeth causing to trap in the area. You should return to your dentist immediately tg fix the problem. Left untreated this could lead to gum infrections and tooth loss.

Good luck
Spiker Davis