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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Grinding all day long

i've bin to dentists ive gone to my reg physician no one can find a cure for whatever is making me grind all day i cant even find a devise that will at least slow it down so i don't drive family and coworkers crazy please help i was put on three different kinds of medicine no luck
  • Female | 58 years old
  • Medications: ic Buspirone
  • Conditions: no

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There are many reasons for grinding your teeth and without seeing you and evaluating your dental condition, I am not 100% sure exactly what is causing the problem. However, here are some possibilities: 1. Sleep Apnea. Do you snore at night? Have you had a sleep study done? Many patients who grind have sleep apnea. This could be a serious problem. Ask your physician to refer you for a sleep study to determine if indeed you have sleep apnea. If you do, you may need a special dental appliance or other medical device to help you. 2. Malocclusion or "bad bite". As an orthodontist we see many patients with grinding and tmj problems that stem from bad bites. You may need to seek a consultation with an orthodontist to have your bite evaluated and you may need either a nightguard or even orthodontic treatment.
Donna L. Galante
Other than medication, Appliance Therapy can be a big help. From what your saying, wearing a protective appliance to prevent tooth damage is a must. Your dentist should be able to fabricate one for you on your lower teeth so you can wear it during the day. This will help you deal with the symptoms of your habit, but a comprehensive examination is necessary to determine the cause of your grinding so you can eliminate it.
Ronald G. Worth
Grinding can be a result of an occlusal imbalance or prematurity, could be neuromuscular and stress related. Either way there are multiple options available to help. addressing the etiology combined with properly designed occlusal guard should be considered.
Occlusion is another factor we see in patients with over active TMJ which should be evaluated and balanced prior to any appliance therapy
Grinding is a neuromuscular function. In cases where patients have excessive grindings, this could be minimized and over time controlled by using an appliance called a day guard as well as a balanced night guard , physical therapy , use of muscle relaxants ,stress reduction and change of diet and posture .
During the day rather than rubbing your teeth together puff air between your front teeth. Also have a dentist make an hard plastic occlusal guard to wear at night.
I do not know what treatment that you have had....a complete exam is needed...perhaps a bite adjustment...followed by a well made and adjusted bite guard...that would be a good starting point....
Robert S. Dolgow
I would suggest you find a dentist who has experience in TMD, and full mouth rehabilitation. But first, you will need a bite guard/ night guard in hard acrylic (made by your dentist); do no use over the counter type, to put out the 'fire' now if you will until the problem is found.
Michael Huynh
Look into Myotherapie and Myofunctional appliances.
This can be a very destructive habit. Often it lies in an imbalance between the muscles, the teeth and/or the airway. I recommend that you be evaluated by a dentist who is familiar with and practices neuromuscular dentistry. They should be able to determine where the imbalances lie. Treatment may include special bite appliance(s), massage therapy, tens therapy, spinal manipulation, sleep study, and even localized targeted Botox injections. Once the causes or triggers are identified the appropriate definitive therapy will be recommended.