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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

missed period

i am a virgin but i havent gotton my period this month i was suppose to get it the 4th and it is now the 15th i am having cramps and a milky white discharge, what does that mean?
  • 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 10 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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2 UpVoted this answer
It sounds like a simple minor hormone imbalance. It will probably get back on track next month. I would schedule a gyn visit in case it doesn't correct itself.
1 UpVoted this answer
For the menstrual period to be 10 days to 2 wks late is not unusual. What is important is whether this has only happened once or twice or it is a recurrent. Make sure you are not pregnant and have your gynecologist check your discharge under the microscope- a procedure known as a wet mount.
Norm Dahm
Missing a menses is not unusual. You did not mention the source of you discharge. If you have a milky nipple discharge you need to get a prolactin level. A vaginal

discharge, could be many things. See your doc to diagnose if it becomes a problem. If your period doesn't return in month or two, see your doc.
Sounds like you did not ovulate on time this month. There may be reasons that need to be evaluated by your gynecologist. Good luck.
if the symptom persist! you need to have a doctor to evaluate your problem

Darush L. Mohyi
I think the discharge is coincidental with the missed period. You may have not ovulated and your period is delayed for that reason. If you continue to miss your cycle over the next month I would look into an appointment with your physician to check on bloodwork. The same goes for the discharge. If it continues or is foul smelling then an appointment would be necessary because it may be a bacterial infection.
there is no possible way sperm was near my vagina. i was suppose to get it the 4th but i didnt and than the 5&6 i was in the pool the majority of both days but my cramps were so bad i really thought i wad getting it but it never came so could the pool water have anything to do with missing my period
Your diagnosis is amenorrhea (lack of menses). This may be due to irregular hormone changes.

The milky discharge can be normal vaginal discharge or possible yeast infection. If you have any vaginal symptoms over the counter vaginal remedies would be helpful.


Follow up with your Gynecologist
Darush L. Mohyi
As long as you really haven't had any possible exposure to the possibility of pregnancy, meaning there was no chance sperm were near your vagina, then you don't have to worry about pregnancy. It is not unusual for young women to occasionally skip a period or be late with one. Sometimes something like stress can effect your hormones and cause a delay in the period. Sperm can swim up into the vagina if ejaculation occurred in the vulvar area, so if that is a possibility, then get a home pregnancy test from the drug store and run the test, just to be sure
Vinette Zabriskie
but whats the white discharge