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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

How can I stop balding/reverse it? Does biotin work? is there something else more effective?

Early baldness runs in my family

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18 UpVoted this answer
If you are female the treatment options are OTC Rogaine (Minoxidil) 2 or 5% two times per day and spironolactone. If you are male you can use the Minoxidil and Propecia. Propecia is not FDA approved for women. I usually suggest a multivitamin and Biotin 5000mcg daily. There is also a supplement call Viviscal Professional that some patients feel is helpful. See your derm who can also order blood work - CBC, ferritin and thyroid studies to make sure you don't need additional oral meds. Good luck!
16 UpVoted this answer
I use a couple of supplements and an essential oils blend. It has worked great so far. I don't think that any one supplement would reverse it.
12 UpVoted this answer
As an individual that has a strong family history and began to bald in my 20's, I can advise from experience that there are many 'baldness cures' on the market and most are useless and will cause your bank account to lose cash as fast or faster than you lose hair. Information gathered from well designed controlled clinical trials is the best evidence available and is generally trustworthy. Claims made from experience (anectdotally) are not as valuable and are often completely unreliable due to extenuating circumstances (such as financial motivation, etc). The hair cycle is complex and there are many causes of baldness.

My case was due to 'male pattern baldness' and clinical trials (and personal experience) have confirmed that propecia (finasteride) orally and rogaine (mixoxidil) topically work reasonably well in most cases of male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Other options include low level laser devices such as the laser max comb or the previously mentioned system (there are a lot on the market - so be careful and look for those that have good scientific evidence (trials) behind the product)

The first step would be to have a full evaluation that would identify the cause of your baldness. This step is very important in making the right choice in treatment which very well may include biotin or other supplements. Another option is hair restoration surgery (transplants). Interestingly, a few companies are doing stem cell research with clinical trials including: Intercytex, histogen and replicel however results are not encouraging and advances painfully slow. FYI: here's a forum with some links -
James T. Sandwich
8 UpVoted this answer
For the time being, there is no cure for androgenetic male or female pattern hairloss (balding). However, fortunately, we do have a number of completely nonsurgical approaches, using topical and oral preparations, that have been demonstrated to slow the rate of the loss and to even reverse hair loss. Biotin, a vitamin that may help in hair growth, might be included in the regimen, but is by no means the sole answer. OTC products and shampoos that claim to strengthen or thicken hair have no impact on the balding process and their use in the hopes of restoring hair may simply delay obtaining proper treatment. Treatment must be tailored to the individual, so a consultation with a board certified dermatologist with extensive experience in treating hair loss problems is essential--and the earlier one starts appropriate treatment, the better the prognosis and the greater the chance for success.
Nelson L. Novick
7 UpVoted this answer
Yes, biotin has been shown to be effective for reversal, in additional to magnesium, zinc, silica, etc.. You can find these in a multivitamin specifically designed for hair and nails. Additionally, chondroitin, glucosamine, MSM, and saw palmetto, all organic or elemental, will be beneficial for your use.

With early signs of miniaturization, prevention is key. Medications currently used are minoxidil, finasteride (side effects), PRP, and TR1. Each has their respective risks and benefits but I would highly recommend a minoxidil, switching to an organic shampoo, and use of a multivitamin as a good starting point. Additionally minimize heat exposure to your scalp (hot blow drying.)

Hope that helps,
5 UpVoted this answer
Biotin can help strengthen your hair (which doesn't hurt) but there are essentially only three things that can limit or reverse baldness - Rogain, Propecia, and low level laser therapy.
4 UpVoted this answer
For men: oral finasteride and topical minoxidil will help stop balding.

For women: topical minoxidil can be helpful, also occasionally hormonal therapy is worthwhile.

For both: it's important to have your thyroid, iron, zinc, and protein levels checked.
3 UpVoted this answer
There is much more information needed. Male or female? Age? Blood work results, etc. There are many types of balding. Some can be helped and some not so easily or not at all.
2 UpVoted this answer
Thank you for your inquiry. As a plastic surgeon I am not an expert on hair restoration. There is, however, a promising new low energy laser system I read about that shows promise. It is made by Sunetics 1-888-266-2232 or
William Jervis
2 UpVoted this answer
If it is genetic, there is likely not much to do about it. That being said, making sure you are absorbing your nutrients is the most important thing you can do to possibly help slow the process. I recommend getting your blood tested for your nutritional status to see exactly what nutrients you may be lacking, then address why you don't seem to be absorbing those nutrients as opposed to just taking the minerals or vitamins.