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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Gum Pain: Possible Disease?

I'm not sure if this is normal looking or not but It's painful. The area on my gum above the tooth and just below the part of the gum that forms the crevice is very sore and causes pain even when I'm not touching it. It seems kind of sunken in and a sort of deep red color. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to look, but either way it's painful? Advice? Is it a gum disease, and if so will I need surgery?
  • Male | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 7 days
  • Medications: Recently stopped Acutane
  • Conditions: My ortho once warned me of the beginnings of periodontal disease but never mentioned it after so I assumed it went away.

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
Looks like either apthous ulcer or a herpetic lesion. There appears to be a lesion on the lower lip also,pointing towards a viral issue like herpes 1...the good herpes! Of you are run down or feverish perhaps have MD check area. Usually runs it's course. There are good antivirals that could help. For the intra oral lesion avoid acid foods, use a rinse of liquid benadryl and maalox 50/50 about 2 tablespoons each,rinse the area with this and spit out. 2 or 3 times per day...If no change in a few days see your dentist or MD to pursue antivirals. Good luck keep me posed. .Dr Mick
Yup looks like an apthous ulcer like Dr. Mick said. Use a magic mouthwash, which is what he is describing, with some Lidocaine in it for pain. Your dentist can RX it at your local pharmacy. May not be covered by insurance.
the photograph shows some trauma to the maxillary frenum. any cut or scrape or bruise should heal quickly in the mouth. if not better in 3 days contact your dentist.
It looks like a canker sore (apthous ulcer) rarely lasts more than 7-10 days, can be painful. Avoid acid and spicy foods and don't play with it. If it takes longer than that you need to see the dentist. Don't miss hygiene appointments.
it seems to be a decay on your first premolar which probably became infected. you need t o see your dentist for a thorough assessment and management.
Dr J. Abe Smith
That looks like an ulcer of unknown origin. If it was created by trauma or what we call an Apthous ulcer it is self limited and will heal within about a week. Itis a herpes lesion not only will it linger it will gather some friends in other parts of you mouth and linger quite a bit longer. Give it about 10 days from when you first noticed it. If it is gone then great. If not go to your dentist and get your ulcer evaluated. I hope this was helpful.
From the picture, it looks like an apthous ulcer or herpetic lesion. Avoid spicy or acidic foods. Warm salt water rinses will help until you can make an appointment with an oral health care provider to have it looked at. A prescription might be necessary talk your provider about this at your appointment.
Periodontal disease is a quiet disease and not painful until it is in its last stages. Please see a periodontist for the same. The painful area could be some kind of viral or stress related condition and should resolve in a week and if not see a dentist or periodontist. Temporary relief in the form of topical anesthesia will help especially before eating as good nutrition is equally important.
Nilesh Dalal
That appears to be an apthous ulcer or Canker sore. Usually pretty painful but self limiting to about 2 weeks. There oare over the counter options to numb the area and a few things your dentist can do to speed healing. If they have a laser, they can treat that in office and there is a prescription for a topical steroid that greatly assists healing. See your dentist for the best option for you
Franz Weyandt
It does appear to be an Apthous Ulcer, cancer sore. These are typically caused by trauma, stress and lack of sleep.

Some home remedies such as salt water rinse, hydrogen perioxide, and Milk of Magnesia with Liquid Benadryl could help.

If you visit your dentist he may have some treatment such as a Laser to treat the ulcer or some topical solution like debactoral to place on.

Either way, time is necessary to heal spot.

Watch for fever or swelling of area, if this persists you must see your Dentist.
James A. Snow