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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

What are these red things on the back of my mouth

I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and I'm not sure what those red marks are? One seems to be larger than the other could it be where they put the medicine?
  • Complaint duration: 1 day
  • Medications: Narcotics, ibuprofen, antibiotics
  • Conditions: No

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Surgical retractors are a steel instruments that hold your tongue and your cheek away from the spot the dentist is working on and the two little paddles are connected by a piece of metal with a handle on the outer side. That connector can leave a mark and that is what it looks like. Goes away in a week or two.
It looks like bruising from the injection site. It should resolve in another week or two. Rinse with warm salt water to keep it clean.
I agree with the doctors. Rinse with some warm salt water. A teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of warm water. They should heal soon.
the red marks could be bruising from the injection site close to where your wisdom teeth were removed. Contact your dentist if not better in 24 hours.
Every thing looks Okay , this might be from injection site or from previuos inflammation in the retromolar area or pericoronitis . In general it looks okay and healing looks okay .
It looks like the needle entry site. It looks infiltrated, slightly bruised. No don't need to worry about it. They might be also slightly sore. It is normal. It is more important the way the extraction sites looks on the image. You are in good shape.
After dental surgery, some time for healing is needed dependent on the extent of the surgery performed. The red marks at the back of the wisdom teeth are possibly incision site, or puncture from anesthetic needle, or the result of surgical removal of your third molars. Fortunately it looks like it is not infected and will be healed. Looking at your picture you also reveal large mercury fillings, that hopefully they are not leaking. Have them checked out by your dentist also.
Looks like it is healing nicely. Don't worry
Michael Stein
The red marks are apparently injection sites of the anaesthetic. Healing is progressing well and the marks should go away within a few days. Don't forger your warm salt water rinses.
J. Abe  Smith
I agree with the others. Looks like incision sites which should heal relatively quickly. The tissue just bunches up when sutures are placed on the part of the jaw that is curved.
David M. Konys