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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Severe pain, second round of antibiotics

Broken tooth on top left, must be pulled.They found the bottom left needs a root canal and I have a deep infection.Dentist prescribes cipro, Motrin and lortab.The pain lowered for 2 days then fully returned.Finished the meds, saw dentist, prescribed more cipro....I've done everything.Pain meds, ice, Vicks vapo rub on my cheek and neck, garlic/pepper/salt salve (homemade), salt rinse....nothing is helping it.Pain still there, when do I go to er? Do I have a bone infection? I have no insurance.
  • Female | 32 years old
  • Complaint duration: 48 days
  • Medications: Percacet, lortab, Motrin, cipro,
  • Conditions: Tmj syndrome, hypothyroidism, chronic migraine sufferer, severe reproductive operation problems....endometriosis, PCOS, etc, lastly I take a daily dose of mood stabilizers and depression medication.

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1 UpVoted this answer
Pain is coming from either tooth. Sounds to me that you may be unable to pay to keep the teeth so I would have them removed and solve the problem. Cipro is no good for oral infections anyway. Amoxicillin or Clindamycin are the best.
See a dentist or oral surgeon ASAP to have the tooth removed before the infection becomes a serious medical problem.
It sounds like you have a stubborn infection around that back tooth. I would suggest, as others have, to have your dentist switch the antibiotics that you are on and get a referral to an oral surgeon. Chances are, you will need to have that tooth removed. Hope that helps.
Get a referral to an oral surgeon today. Do not wait.
You have an emergency situation and as such I would recommend you contact a dentist who takes walk ins and or emergencies. Secondarily I would recommend a hospital since all the can do generally is give you more antibiotics and pain meds to help you limp along. You need definitive treatment. Dental infections are basically head and neck infections. There is nothing in you head and neck that isn't important to preserving your life. Good luck.
You need an oral surgeon, check local hospitals for oral surgery department. Don't put your life in danger.
First of all, loritab and percacet are Highly addictive. Check with your physician and dentist as taking these meds along with anti-depressants could be life threatening. There are many clinics that will take care of you but you need to check with your local dental society. Do not neglect your treatment as taking care it will alleviate the symptoms...Get off the addictive drugs,except the anitbiotic.
You need to have the recommended treatment completed. The doctor needs to drain the abscess. This will be a painful procedure for you but it has to be done. You may need to be sedated for the procedure, which is slightly costly but definitely worth it.
Virdisland Gamble
Yes you have a infection that needs to be addressed right away! Please see your dentist right away to treat the infection. Just taking antibiotics and pain meds is not the solution. Don't delay any longer as you may risk needing to go to an emergency room. Goodluck
get both teeth out , get a referral from your dentist for an Oral Surgeon and get them both out , may also need different antibiotic if Cipro is not working .