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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

White spot

I have lose tissue damage towards the back of my mouth and it been feeling sore that's when I found a white spot that looks like it has a hole in it or a rip on my gum near the tissue damage at first I thought it was a canker sore which I been using medication on it but it's not working it's getting worse what can this be?
  • Female | 20 years old
  • Complaint duration: 3 days

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1 UpVoted this answer
It probably is nothing serious but it needs to be seen by a dentist to evaluate the origin of the lesion. Please follow through and make an appointment with your dentist
1 UpVoted this answer
It would not be wise to make a diagnosis without an examination. Please see your dentist for a proper assessment.
J Abe Smith
It does sound like a canker sore, warm salt water rinses help the healing process but you should see your dentist to make sure is nothing else.
Hi. Those can be very uncomfortable. It sounds like you are describing an Aphthous Ulcer. It could all one a canker sore. There is laser treatment that has proven to be effective if it is really uncomfortable. Otherwise warm salt water rinses are a good idea, just to make sure it does not get infected. You should notice the pain start to decrease, and it should be completely healed in 14 days. If not, a visit to your oral surgeon might be a good idea.

Feel better!
It is very likely a canker sore. However, I would suggest that you see your dentist to have it evaluated and monitored. If there are changes he/she can recommend the appropriate follow-up treatment.
Timothy Agapas
A white spot with a hole in it could be many things, such as aphtous ulcer, a fistula which can appear on the gum due to infected nerve of the tooth, and many other things. I advise you to see a top dentist, or a periodontist to make sure, there is no pathology, and hopefully it is just a gum irritation and inflammation.
This appearance could be due to a variety of conditions, some that could be serious. Make an appointment to see your dentist for an evaluation or a referral to an appropriate specialist. If it is due to trauma, it may heal perfectly in a week or so, but if it doesn't, get it properly checked out.
Stephen Henry
This is certainly something that should be evaluated by a dental professional. I would start with your general Dentist, and if they feel that it should be seen by a specialist, then they will make the appropriate referral.
Stephen J. Klein
It's nearly impossible to make a diagnosis without a proper exam. I recommend you see a dentist as soon as possible for evaluation.
Yuliya Rabinovich
It is hard to say without proper examination. It could be anything from scratching the tissue, biting it. Do you have your wisdom teeth? It could be a wisdom tooth trying to erupt. See the dentist ASAP.