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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Should I worry about a bump on the side of my tongue?

I am a 21 year old non smoker who noticed this on the right side of my tongue yesterday. Not sure what it is or if I should worry. I do not smoke or chew tobacco and drink rarely. The bump has been painless so far and it was first noticed yesterday.
  • Male | 21 years old
  • Medications: Citalopram 20mg

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
See an oral surgeon. While things "look like" taste buds, etc, no one has used "two hands" to "feel" this bump--or what might be underneath the surface. An exam involves more than a photo....
John R. Scuba
1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
It doesn't look like anything aside from you biting your tongue or a taste bud
Martin Leybovich
The bump is in the area where you may have bitten your tongue and the bump is scar may be normal taste bud. Most bad things are bright red or bright white. See an oral surgeon to evaluate as soon as you can. Photos are difficult to diagnose..the area need to be seen and felt and diagnosed with a biopsy.
Eric Spieler
Give it a week or two. If it does not disappear, go to your dentist to have it checked.
Any new lump or bump or scrape in your mouth should go away after two weeks. if this bump does NOT go away get an examination from a qualified dentist.
You should visit an oral health care provider. An oral surgery or ENT would be able to help you determine what is really going on. It could actually be a taste bud but until someone can visual access, biopsy, use a Velscope, or excision to determine the true cause you really can't tell. Make an appointment with you dentist or oral health care provider to help understand the issue more.
Enlarged tongue or taste buds can be injured with food or chewing high could cause this sudden concern.

It does it appear from this photo to be pathology like a fibrous cyst or fibroma.

Schedule a visit with your dentist to be certain of a diagnosis
Daniel G. Sena
It is hard to fully diagnose from a picture. It is in an area where it may be nothing... or something! It is best to see a dentist / oral surgeon.
Elizabeth Reiser-Loeber
The bump on the side of the tongue Could be the indentation of your tooth, due to clenching or many other things!

See an expert dentist, that first of all he can examine you, and if necessary take a biopsy if need be
If the bump is not painful it appears to be a simple tissue tag. If you feel it was never there and just recently appeared then it should be checked by your Dentist.