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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Low Libido in Women

I am 34 years old and have a 2 year old daughter. Before she was born my husband and I were pretty active sexually. However ever since the birth I have had no interest in sex. I want to want to have sex but I don't feel in the mood like I used to. I am also very dry and its not pleasurably when we do have sex. I want to know if there are any safe and effective supplements on the market. There are a lot out there and its very confusing knowing which one to buy. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Female
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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Sex drive isn’t always about the sex. Female libido is based on many components that affect intimacy. Physical and emotional fatigue, traumatic childbirth (with episiotomia or perineotomia), breastfeeding, increased prolactin, decreased estrogens, intake of antidepressants (especially serotonin-reuptake inhibitors), colon dysbacteriosis, avitaminosis - all play substantial roles. The topical medications (gels, pills, solutions) for the vaginal dryness are temporary remedies. Some of those are: vaginal moisturizers or lubricants; vaginal estrogen or folliculin, and Osphena pills. Better to detect the real cause and address it.
The "supplements " should include a good vaginal lubricant for sexual activity ( there are quite a few good ones over the counter ).. Also a vitamin; preferably a prenatal vitamin and a good diet; minus soda, etc. Next a visit to our office would result in some necessary counseling and probably some hormone therapy; based on individual assessment... We have had great success with Topical Testosterone; and estrogen....
Paul L. Schell
Your problem is unfortunately a very common one. With the demands of a new baby and the increased responsibilities, sex sometimes takes a back seat. I would recommend however a personal lubricant called " Astroglide." It is extremely slippery and is water based so it is very safe and it works very well to help with lubrication. It can be found at most drug stores by the condoms. Good luck.
Mark Saunders
There are two issues that I will address - the desire to have sex and vaginal dryness.

The cause of vaginal dryness is usually due to a hormone imbalance. Your physician can access whether or not your hormones are within regular limits. That being said, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be helpful in relieving the dryness. There are some Chinese herbal washes that are used intravaginally (used as a douche). There is a particular product I uses in my clinic that is very effective in relieving this form of dryness. Acupuncture helps to rebalance the bodies systems which can effect hormone levels. I only recommend taking Chinese herbs or using these kinds of supplements under the care of a license acupuncturist.

During sex, you may want to consider a natural water based lubricant. One such product that I recommend to patients trying to get pregnant is Just Like Me lubricant because is closely simulates your natural vaginal moisture.

Low libido can be a common symptom for women post pregnancy. In my experience, this symptom resolves itself about 6 to 9 months after the birth of a child. If your desire is still low, there may be complicating factors, and you should speak with your healthcare provider. Acupuncture can be a safe and effective way in addressing some of the emotional, psychological, and physical components that are effecting your libido.
Every time a woman has gone through pregnancy, it's like a roll of the dice as to how their hormones are going to be after delivery. Sometimes things get better but most of the times they get a little worse.

Unless there has been some psychological change in your marriage (less likely), of course this is related to your hormones.

Typically, vaginal dryness is due to two hormone deficiencies, estrogen and or testosterone.

It also will likely be a waste of resources to have your hormone levels checked as the values for "normal" include a broad range of women and have nothing to do with ideal, healthy, young hormone levels. So unless your levels are at the extremes of high or low you will be told that your hormone levels are "normal".

So even though your hormones are the issue, the labs will almost certainly include you "within normal limits".

We have a tremendous amount of experience with this issue at our clinic. Not knowing the particulars in your case..... Generally I would start with adding testosterone cream (and you can guess where applying it works the best). If that fails, I typically suggest a little estrogen cream. Beyond that sometimes it is helpful to add progesterone,

the estrogen and testosterone are applied topically. Progesterone is most potent/effective taken by mouth.

If these fail to produce results I would be thinking of adding thyroid (in spite of likely "normal" levels). Of course this is all speculation without knowing more details. but I have been down this road enough times to know the routine.

The way I do things for this problem is successful in the majority of cases but for this I admit not being able to win them all.
This could be a serious issue of hormonal imbalance: estrogens, testosterone, cortisol thyroxine, all of these, or others. I would definately not take random nutrients, rather have a full functional medicine workup to determine the cause or causes of your symptoms.

watch the following short video on FM from leaing MD:
I haven't been breast feeding since the baby was 4 months ans my menstrual cycle is normal.
Before talking about "supplements" a physician would need to know whether you have resumed your normal menstrual cycle. This is especially true since it sounds like you are having some signs of a low estrogen level. Are you still breast feeding?
Edward Ruby