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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


i have preop Jan 5th, surgery jan 15th.

I am signing consent forms and was told doctor will put no charge for revisions and initial it.


How long should a revision be covered for in case one needs to be done , i.e. up to a year,, shorter, longer?

when i go in jan 5th, would like to be prepared with my facts.

Thank you
  • Male | 36 years old

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer
Most doctors, as myself, will not charge for revisions if they are necessary to make the outcome better. You might be responsible for operating room and anesthesia fees. This should not predispose you to the fact that you will need a revision. For rhinoplasties, you should wait at least one year before undergoing any revisions.
Frank Agullo
1 UpVoted this answer
Revision after rhinoplasty (nose job) is actually fairly common when looked at in larger studies and can be 20% or 1 in 5 rhinoplasty (nose job) patients. Typically if a patient is dissatisfied and/or concerned regarding the result they would re-present to their initial rhinoplasty surgeon. Financial implications of revision rhinoplasty (nose job) may vary, but commonly a revision would not be done within the first year and professional fees would be waived for this revision work.
1 UpVoted this answer
If your surgeon offers free revisions, it would be prudent to determine whether the costs of anesthesia and the facility fees are covered. If these fees are "free" this is very generous.

I generally provide free follow up for 18 months and revisions are no charge; I do not charge for facility fees, and there is generally an anesthesia fee. This is fairly standard.

Lets hope for the best and be optimistic that you will not require a revision. Good luck!
1 UpVoted this answer
These are excellent questions and can be part of your next conversation with your doctor!

Most revsions are not covered so if your doctor is covering them --that sgreat!

Dr Jeneby
You will likely need to pay for OR and anesthesia if any operative revision is required. Only the surgeons fee is waived depending on the circumstances
John M. Thomassen
There is no "exact" answer to your question. If you are concerned about a time frame, you should have your doctor answer this question. In general, revisions would not be considered for at least 6-9 months after your initial surgery to allow the swelling to subside.

This site will allow you to see some results -
1 month
James B. Kahl
Most septorhinoplasty revisions are performed after at least 1 year postoperatively due to slow and gradual changes in the soft tissues of the nose after surgery. Even though your physician is offering revisions at No charge, there may still be fees associated with the anesthesia or operating room.

Hopefully there will be no need for revisions!

Good luck with your surgery!
Most surgeons who offer no charge revisions will honor this offer for at least a year and some cases even beyond, depending on the circumstances. Keep in mind that if the revision is under general anesthesia you may be responsible for the OR and anesthesia fees.
BTW, we have you on the surgery schedule for January 9. Would you mind calling Sharon to clarify?

Dr. W
Robert D. Wilcox