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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

how can i stop or slow down my period?

Hi, i am 14 years old and my period last 9-10 days and is very heavy. I am a freshman in highschool. It is very hard to walk around or to interact with my classes (expecially PE) when i feel like i have to go to the bathrrom every 5 min. I wont use tampons because the girl bathrooms are upstairs and i only have classes down staris. I would like to know if there is a way to completly stop or lighten my period by alot. Thank you
  • Female | 15 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Weight: 220lbs
  • Medications: Claritin
  • Conditions: asthmatic

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
I notice that for a 14 year old your weight is rather over the limit unless you are extremely tall and you did not mention your height. There is a condition that is call PCOD (poly cystic Ovarian disease which could be a contributing factor to your present heavy cycles this condition needs to be evaluated with lab and a pelvic ultrasound.

Also your weight alone can be causing such heavy periods as body fat is one of the sources of estrogen in the female.

The fact that you are still only 14 years old could signify the your pituitary-ovarian axis is not mature enough also contributing to your heavy flow.

Birth control pills can and do help in these conditions ...but I also recommend having blood work done to ensure that you do not have a thyroid or clotting mechanism problem.
Joseph A. Pineda
1 UpVoted this answer
If your periods are always and have always been super heavy , you should have bloodwork to make sure your blood clots normally. You should have a physical exam with your pediatrician who will determine whether taking birth control pills would be appropriate. Birth control pills usually cause the periods to be much lighter with less cramping , and they are safe as long as you are under the care of a physician. I noticed your weight and that may be contributing to the problem so you may need testing for something called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Birth control pills are often used to treat this condition as well.
Kyle A Baker
Thank you all. I have asked my mom to make me an appointment. I hope it gets sloved soon.
Given your age (14) it is unlikely that you suffer Schredder hypermenorrhea (hyperestrogenemia and lack of corpus luteum). Therefore, I would suggest you first check your coagulation profile (platelet count, Prothrombin Index, Proconvertin - Factor 7, and the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time/ APTT - at least). If your clotting profile shows normal parameters, then you will need a progesterone therapy.
This can be

easily corrected.