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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Am I pregnant

I'm 14 and I just had my 2nd period and its brown. July 10th I had precum on my hands but i rinsed it with ONLY WATER , but after that I had discharged so I used my hands to like see what was going on inside of my vagina . I'm afraid im pregnant and I have an implantation bleeding instead of period please help me I am scared out of my mind.
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 6 days

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You are only 14 and you already know how to visually distinguish the precum from the semen... Stop body explorations and relocate your energy drive to education, art, history, creative work (other than sex), and safe behavior. There are too many other joys in life, trust me. Take a pregnancy test for the peace of mind, although the risk is too low. Be safe.
Well, this is complicated and simple at the same time. The simple part is that you cant tell you are pregnant in the first weeks of pregancy by using your hands "to see what was going on inside " of your vagina...Also simple is that there is really no chance that even if you had semen on your hands that you can get pregnant from then inspecting yourself. The likelihood of pregnancy is quite low given this scenario but I am worried about what you are getting into....Your question said you were 14 years old ...your profile said 18..if you are 14 you need to reconsider your life choices ...if you are 18 you need to be more careful . I hope you forgive me for worrying about you . I am not judging...I am worried you will get pregnant at the wrong time in your life. Wishing you wellness.
Pick up a home pregnancy test
If you didn't actually have intercourse with penile penetration, you are not pregnant, but taking a home pregnancy test would reassure you. If you are sexually active (meaning you are having sex with penile penetration of the vagina), you should see a doctor or nurse practitioner to get on some kind of birth control and to find out how you can protect yourself from sexually transmitted disease. Telling your mother about what is going on is always a good idea, she's the one who can help you the most! She'd rather know now than find out after you're already pregnant!
Kyle A Baker
If you didn't actually have intercourse with penile penetration, you are not pregnant, but taking a home pregnancy test would reassure you. If you are sexually active (meaning you are having sex with penile penetration of the vagina), you should see a doctor or nurse practitioner to get on some kind of birth control and to find out how you can protect yourself from sexually transmitted disease. Telling your mother about what is going on is always a good idea, she's the one who can help you the most! She'd rather know now than find out after you're already pregnant!
Kyle A Baker
It is unlikely from your story that you are pregnant. Don't be scared, be informed. Take a pregnancy test which you can buy at walgreens. It will ease your mind. You can also go to planned parenthood.
Get a pregnancy test and see your doctor. I doubt that you could impregnate yourself after you have rinsed your hands. What are you worried about ? SEe our gynecologist.
Best to have a pregnancy test

and to be checked by an OB.
I am not sure one can answer your question as your description/story is a little unclear. A very simple way to find out if you are pregnant is to take a over the counter pregnancy test and if positive then go to your primary care physician to confirm with a blood test for pregnancy.