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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


Are implants safe and do they have side effects after? If they do have side effects what are those and how long does it take ?
  • Male | 30 years old

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3 UpVoted this answer Lawrence M. Bodenstein, DMD Dentist, Hasbrouck Heights John R. Scuba, MD, DDS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Columbus David J. Darab, DDS, MS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Hickory
Dental implants are incredibly safe with side effects being next to none. When done correctly, the success rate is 95-98%. Be sure there is good communication between the person placing the implants and the person putting the tooth on in the end. They are the closest thing to real teeth that dentistry has to offer!
Franz Weyandt
1 UpVoted this answer John R. Scuba, MD, DDS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Columbus
I am not an expert in implantology. That being said, implants are the standard of care when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They appear to be safe and effective when placed properly. As with all procedures, there are failures. Many of these failures are for well understood reasons e.g. poor placement, inadequate bone, poor hygiene etc., etc. But there are failures that occur that aren't well understood. That wouldn't prevent me from getting an implant though if it were needed. For me, the benefits far outweigh the risks. An implant is essentially an artificial replacement for a tooth's or teeth's root(s). The bone needs to mature around the new implant after it is surgically placed, so there is a period of time that things need to heal before the final "cap" can be placed. This time varies with the type of implant, where it is being placed and relates to the health of the individual too. Your dentist, periodontist, oral surgeon or implantologist can certainly advise you of all the pros and cons of the procedure both before and after it is done. Good luck!
1 UpVoted this answer Lawrence M. Bodenstein, DMD Dentist, Hasbrouck Heights
Dental implants are completely safe and have no side effects. Once they have integrated they function almost exactly the same as natural teeth.
Timothy Agapas
There are many dental implant systems available, and if used correctly all can deliver a reliable form of treatment. Titanium, the material from which implants are made, is accepted by the tissues of the body, and hence is safe to use. Although implants are safe to use, individuals vary in their response to treatment due to differences in the way they heal. This occasionally may cause problems and also contribute to the failure of implants.
The latest research indicates 95 to 98 % successful integration with bone. Yes , even after a few years some implants are rejected by the bone and loosen. Crowns and bridgework supported by those implants will no longer be satisfactory and much of the process will have to be redone. There are no guarantees that I'm aware of.
Kenneth A. Zipkin
Provided you are dealing with a skilled practionier dental implants are a very safe and predictable procedure with close to a 99% success rate. There is a learning curve with this procedure so depending upon the skill level of the surgeon is what is going to determine th exegeses of complication you may encounter
James A. Vito
Disadvantages To Dental Implants

It is important to note that these disadvantages are quite rare they can happen.

-Failed Integration of Dental Implants - This occurs when the bone does not grow and fuse between the threads of the implant. This fusion of bone to dental implant is called osseointegration. If this does not occur, the dental implants will not function properly,will become uncomfortable, become loose, or come out completely. To reduce this risk, your dental surgeon will evaluate the quality and density of the jaw bone prior to surgery. This will help to only place dental implants in areas where there is a highly predictable success rate. If osseointegration does not take place, the dental implants can be removed, and surgery can be attempted again once the area has fully healed.

-Infection – This is the most common complication of dental implant surgery. The surrounding bone and gums can get infected during the surgical procedure. This can happen due to non-sterile technique, a contaminated implant, poor healing ability(diabetic, smoker, osteoporosis medications), pre-existing infection. The most likely time for this to occur would be during the surgical placement of the dental implant into the bone. Implant infection is a condition referred to as peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is characterized by inflammation or swelling of the tissues surrounding the implant area. Peri-implantitis can also present as a secondary infection later on is a form of periodontal disease that can lead to inflammation, bone loss and implant failure if not treated quickly and properly. Although implant infections are usually caused by the presence of bacteria during or immediately after the oral surgery for the placement of the dental implants, an implant infection can occur months or years after surgery.

-Post Surgical Bleeding - Some bleeding following surgery is normal and should be expected for about 1-2 days. Biting gently on a gauze pad placed over the surgery area for 30 minutes should normally stop the bleeding. Excessive bleeding is not normal and you should notify your dentist immediately if you have concerns about your dental implants.

-Damage To Surrounding Tissues - Dental implant complications related with surgical errors affecting adjacent teeth, nerves or sinus are directly correlated with the experience and skills of the dentist or surgeon. An experienced and skilled implant dentist is able to identify potential problems by examining x-rays or CT scan (computer tomography), design the proper surgical plan for ideal location and angle, and execute it successfully without complications. Even with the most skilled implant dentist there is always a possibility of dental implant complications. The complications can be limited by choosing an implant dentist with the skills and experience necessary to handle any complications if they arise.

Dental Implants


Dental implants are a fantastic choice for replacement of lost teeth. If you are missing a tooth or teeth, you should consider the possibility of dental implants to restore your smile.
Implants are very safe. I am a dentist and I have 2 myself - if that says anything for you. The type of metal they are made with (surgical grade titanium) is the same material they use for hip, knee and other joint replacements. Make sure you are aware of the brand of the implant the dentist is using. I have had best long-term success with Astratech (I have tried about all of them). Also ask your doctor how many implants he has placed and to show you some before and after cases he/she has done.
Lawrence D. Singer
Dental implants are safe, depending on the expertise of the dentist placing them, a proper ct scan is needed and evaluated, besides your medical history, clinical evaluation and bite analysis by your dentist.

Depending on your age, it is safer for people around 30 and up, due to growth factor related to the bone, since at younger ages, the implant placed does not move, however the natural teeth adjacent to the implant can move, and food accumulation is a problem.

The placement of the dental implant, is an important factor not to impinge on any nerve, and proper hygiene is essential so the tooth implant does not fail.
Implants, done correctly, are very safe. Once they have healed, very seldom are there any reports of complications with dental implants. They can develop periodontal disease if not restored correctly and/or if they are not maintained well.

Serious complications, such as infections in the bone or sinus, ongoing pain, numbness and functional or cosmetic issues, can arise at the time of placement or shortly thereafter (usually within four months) if the implant is placed poorly. Carefully screen the surgeon that will place the implant and talk to others he/she has treated if possible.